View Full Version : Shares

17/11/2008, 5:21 PM
Its gambling of a different sort but has anyone here bought shares in recent times.

What are the best avenues to use??

Im seriously thinking of investing in some BOI considering how low they are at the moment but its years since i bought anyway and wont be exactly investing a huge amount so dont really know if its worth the hassle going through a broker etc.

centre mid
17/11/2008, 6:13 PM
If you AIB online banking you can do it fairly painlessly.

21/11/2008, 9:45 AM
elroy are you aware of all the tax implications and what goes with buying shares etc?

Btw elroy is it just hte ISEQ you are interested in? iwebsharedealing in the uk will give you access to most markets and they only charge about £10 per trade, not an actual percentage which was the best I could find.

If you have some money to secure for a short term i.e. 1-2years an 8% equity scheme might suit you better than shares. however if you can invest in the medium to long term then get on BOI or AIB if they fall any lower than they currently are. In 5 years time you could make 2-300% on them at least(assuming they dont come part nationalised in any shape or form).