View Full Version : Christmas hols ...how long are people off?

Lionel Ritchie
11/11/2008, 8:51 AM
I know this will vary quite a bit depending on peoples jobs but what's your situation with christmas hols?

Because I'm in the higher education sector I think we'll finish on the Friday before (19th) and come back on either Friday 2nd or monday 5th.

I appreciate that's a decent break as I imagine there'll be plenty finishing later and back earlier.

Sligo Hornet
11/11/2008, 9:01 AM
Finish midday on the 23rd, and return 5th January.....sounds great, but to be honest I get bored (and fatter!) between Boxing Day and New Year

11/11/2008, 9:53 AM
I'm a Civil Servant I'll be in Christmas eve, back the 29th. Only because 27th and 28th are weekend. Might get an extra privileged day thrown in somewhere over Christmas/New Year. Who says we have it easy?

11/11/2008, 10:00 AM
Civil servants get Christmas Day, St Stephen's Day and New years day off.

Sligo Hornet
11/11/2008, 10:28 AM
I'm a Civil Servant I'll be in Christmas eve, back the 29th. Only because 27th and 28th are weekend. Might get an extra privileged day thrown in somewhere over Christmas/New Year. Who says we have it easy?

Sounds harsh......are you Bob Cratchett?

11/11/2008, 10:35 AM
Sounds harsh......are you Bob Cratchett?

The fact that I'm in work posting on an internet forum would suggest I'm not worked quite as hard as Bob Cratchett. Tiny Tim will have a mediocre Christmas.

11/11/2008, 10:38 AM
PI, what are you saying, sure no ones gets freeholidays, we have to take them off, not even in the civil service!

11/11/2008, 10:43 AM
PI, what are you saying, sure no ones gets freeholidays, we have to take them off
Loads of places shut down for a week, and their annual leave entitlements aren't affected

11/11/2008, 10:46 AM
Am on Christmas Eve morning until midday, and will be due back the 28th.
Am not cribbing though. Many nurses, for an example I'm familiar with, don't get off at all.

11/11/2008, 10:51 AM
This prompted me to check with my line-manager. Officially I have to work up to and on Christmas Eve, but then should be off to Monday the 5th. I'll take the 22nd to 24th off though as I've leave due me and that's a nice two week break, ta very much!

11/11/2008, 10:53 AM
PI, what are you saying, sure no ones gets freeholidays, we have to take them off, not even in the civil service!

I'm pretty sure the teachers get free holidays, at least that's what it looks like. To be honest I think I'm lucky to have a civil service job at the moment. And contrary to popular belief there's plenty of hard working people in the job (many either badly or under utelised admittedly).

11/11/2008, 10:59 AM
working christmas eve christmas day till 6pm then off till the 29th

11/11/2008, 11:29 AM
Loads of places shut down for a week, and their annual leave entitlements aren't affected

We get the bare minimum annual leave, 20 days is it? We have to take five of those over Christmas shutdown, so we finish on the 23rd, and back on the 5th.

11/11/2008, 11:41 AM
Civil servants get Christmas Day, St Stephen's Day and New years day off.

The Brits are giving us northern civil servants Christmas Eve off as well.

11/11/2008, 11:42 AM
Construction historically takes 2 weeks off but I usually try to have some work on thats means I am at least back early in the 2nd week . It doent fall particully well this year being a Thur as in theory we break up on 19th and are not back till 5th. Will probably try and work 22,23 and 29, 30 and carry the holidays over.

11/11/2008, 1:12 PM
I'm off 24th/25th/26th ...in on the Sat, off on the Sun...then I've taken a weeks holidays because I'm going to NY for new years:)

11/11/2008, 4:41 PM
Half day on the 23rd and back then around the 5th of Jan

11/11/2008, 5:04 PM
As long as I want. Getting layed off on the 23 of December.

Something to do with some sort of a reccession.

11/11/2008, 5:07 PM
finished 19th Dec, back around start of Feb, but i have exams at the end of January :(

plus i work part-time, and the bliddy boss will have me on everyday over christmas (hopefully) so i dont have time off.

Rambling Along
11/11/2008, 5:44 PM
My contract is up for renewal on the 23rd December so I could turn out like Torn-Ado. I don't think I will though they are hectic busy where I am so i'm expecting it to be renewed.
As for Xmas, we were supposed to get substantial time-off, nearly 2 weeks AFAIK. But now i'd say i'll be in Xmas Eve till 8 and be back on the 29th when you consider how busy things are:(

Poor Student
16/11/2008, 7:44 AM
I work in banking. We finish at 12:00 on the 24th. We get the 25th, 26th and 29th off plus the 1st of January. None of which affects your annual leave entitlement.

don ramo
16/11/2008, 12:42 PM
My contract is up for renewal on the 23rd December so I could turn out like Torn-Ado. I don't think I will though they are hectic busy where I am so i'm expecting it to be renewed.
As for Xmas, we were supposed to get substantial time-off, nearly 2 weeks AFAIK. But now i'd say i'll be in Xmas Eve till 8 and be back on the 29th when you consider how busy things are:(

poor RA, im working tomorow night, then being handed my marching orders, so its my last night till i find a new job in the new year,

16/11/2008, 12:49 PM
I've a few days holidays left, so I'm bascially off for the 2 week christmas/new year period, but I'm working the 2 mondays, the 22nd and 29th. Fortunately I can work from home, so I'll be doing that for those two days. Of course, I say working....

max power
19/11/2008, 1:23 PM
I'm finishing up an Dec 23 and back on Jan 19. Kept some leave and heading away for a few weeks. Only holiday of 2009 and looking forward to it:)

19/11/2008, 1:59 PM
Finishing on the 23rd, back on the 7th.

Can't wait :)

Lionel Ritchie
20/11/2008, 8:02 AM
I think we'll finish on the Friday before (19th) and come back on either Friday 2nd or monday 5th.

I appreciate that's a decent break as I imagine there'll be plenty finishing later and back earlier.:D
....well I'm nothing if not an optimist. Just had it in writing that we shut down at 2pm on Tuesday 23rd and are back in on Friday 2nd. There's no emoticon that encapsulates my indignation.

20/11/2008, 10:41 AM
Finish 19th back on the 5th January. Only 25th 26th & 1st are public holidays, the reminder annual leave. Don't think I worked anywhere that extra free days off.

Pauro 76
20/11/2008, 1:51 PM
Temping where I am until Christmas, but not permanent so can choose when I leave. Heading home 19th.... not sure where Im going to be working come New Year. :confused:

20/11/2008, 11:56 PM
Start a new job on Monday, I'll get back to ye on this:p.

21/11/2008, 8:27 AM
Work up to Christmas Eve, and then back the 5th Jan. We have no choice and have to save leave, but there is a Privilege Day thrown in there too.

23/11/2008, 11:47 AM
Not finishing till the 23rd:mad: and back on the 7th :mad:

JOKE!!!!!!!! A well sure tis my last year:D

the ox
23/11/2008, 12:18 PM
Off work from December 19 to New Year's Eve, thanks be to God. People have to work Christmas Eve and St Stephen's at my work, but because I don't live in Britain, I was given a longer break off :cool:

23/11/2008, 10:35 PM
because I don't live in Britain, I was given a longer break off :cool:One hell of a commute though;).

23/11/2008, 10:42 PM
Finished College exams on the 16th, and then I will be working until Christmas Eve. I will have Christmas Day and the 26th off, but im back in the 27th and i'm working all that weekend too. Sat and Sun the 27th and 28th. Hopefully ill only have a half day on New Years Day unlike last year.

Mr A
24/11/2008, 3:00 PM
Finish up on Xmas Eve, although I'm on call until about lunchtime on Christmas Day. Then off completely until the 5th.

Our US colleagues have been told they have to take a full two weeks off due to market conditions, using 7 days annual leave in the process, possibly more.

Sod Boston, Berlin all the way!

25/11/2008, 11:17 PM
Previously I had ignored this thread but after start my new job in Monday, I will happily update. :)

25/11/2008, 11:36 PM
Previously I had ignored this thread but after start my new job in Monday, I will happily update. :)

First topic of discussion on Monday. "We need someone to cover late December..." :D

25/11/2008, 11:59 PM
First topic of discussion on Monday. "We need someone to cover late December..." :D

"Right team, how can we get out of working late Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve...?"

25/11/2008, 11:59 PM
First topic of discussion on Monday. "We need someone to cover late December..." :D
Meeting held today:

"Right team, how can we get out of working late Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve...?"