View Full Version : Board meeting last Monday

07/11/2008, 11:02 PM
There was a board meeting last Monday where Pete Mahon was present. He said this in his post match interview after the Bohs game on the radio. When asked about the future he was a bit coy, even slightly hinting at at parting of the ways (would need to hear it again to make sure I heard correctly). At no point did he commit his future to the club. Failed to hide a slight frustration when mentioning our budget.

(should be pointed out here to avoid accusations of only posting to be negative that he talked very highly of the UCD board and has the utmost respect for them).

Anyone know what went on at this meeting? With a couple of clubs at a similar level to us possibly looking for a new manager next season there could be chance he would jump ship. Pete mentioned himself that he was under no illusions that he was guaranteed at a job at UCD next season but I would be amazed if he was given his P45. He was probably just been diplomatic.

pineapple stu
07/11/2008, 11:21 PM
The performance of all five senior teams (first team, A team, U-20s/Freshers and two Inters teams) was reviewed and found, overall, to be quite satisfactory given the prevailing conditions (i.e. everyone else overspending ridiculously). All have been given offers to stay on next season. I think they have to come back with their decisions, but the club are hopeful the same management structure will be in place next year.

Our budget is being cut for various reasons (relegation, smaller gate receipts, loss of sponsors, no transfer fees, recession). It's unfortunate, but it's the same across the country.

Poor Student
08/11/2008, 10:20 AM
Our budget is being cut for various reasons (relegation, smaller gate receipts, loss of sponsors, no transfer fees, recession). It's unfortunate, but it's the same across the country.

There's fewer clubs capable of carrying out a contraction in the correct and efficient manner that circumstances will dictate. We have no deleusions of granduer and we'll just have to do what's necessary.

08/11/2008, 11:55 AM
The performance of all five senior teams (first team, A team, U-20s/Freshers and two Inters teams) was reviewed and found, overall, to be quite satisfactory given the prevailing conditions (i.e. everyone else overspending ridiculously). .

Just on this, there hasn't been a season, ever, in this country where the majority of clubs haven't overspent.

In previous years UCD have competed with overspending elsewhere

Poor Student
08/11/2008, 12:08 PM
Just on this, there hasn't been a season, ever, in this country where the majority of clubs haven't overspent.

In previous years UCD have competed with overspending elsewhere

The scale of the overspending by our direct competitors in the context of the current economic climate is not something we're able or willing to try to match. We're not able to sign experienced players, the kind who could provide a dig out in a rough relegation battle. Other clubs around us have been inflating the wages of even your average veteran. Had we survived this season I'd say next season would have seen a more level playing field for us.

08/11/2008, 4:20 PM
That wasn't the point I was making. I'm saying your direct competitors have always overspent. The scale of overspending at that level didn't increase as much as the like of Pat and Bohs etc

pineapple stu
08/11/2008, 8:14 PM
Not sure I agree, to be honest. I don't recall five clubs forcing wage cuts in a single before, and I don't think the wage cap can take much of the credit.

(Overspending ridiculously was a relative term obviously, but I think you've taken that as read)