View Full Version : Pro Evolution Soccer 3

20/10/2003, 3:27 PM
Hi. Just wondering if anyone has got it? What do ye think of it? Am I the only one to make a league of Ireland team out of PES united??

P.S. I made Cork City (first eleven)

20/10/2003, 3:42 PM
I made the College out of PES, I've only made Alan Cawley so far (I couldn't resist trying to find the gayest hair possible).

I got it on Friday and have been playing it non stop since it's perfect except for two things:

--There are times when you're trying to counter attack and players will refuse to run (at any great speed anyway) forward. This is one place where FIFA has the advantage as you can tell players to run in that.

--The goalkeepers are atrocious. Just awful.

Other than that it's the most realistic and rewarding simulation of actual football (not management) that money can buy.

I'll probably get the PC Version too as you'll be able to import all the real kits, badges etc. and the graphics are gonna be better too apparently.

20/10/2003, 5:19 PM
Another thing I find not great about it is the harshness of the refs.

Will the PC version have online play??

Anyone else make an EL team?

21/10/2003, 9:20 AM
Haven’t bought it yet but in PES2 I’d modified all the premier division clubs into it.

22/10/2003, 7:09 AM
Originally posted by Dodge
Haven’t bought it yet but in PES2 I’d modified all the premier division clubs into it.

Whoa. Dude why? Why? that woulda taken years! Get out more man! :) I made City alright. Got sick of it then.

Got PES3 the other day, agree with UCD4life on the faults, but other then that it's absolutely amazing.

Any cork boys/cork based boys fancy a session? And somebody besides Eanna, he's really bad. Oh and by the way, I'm usin your mempry card for my PES3 data, so now you can't have it back.

22/10/2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Ruairi
Any cork boys/cork based boys fancy a session? And somebody besides Eanna, he's really bad. Oh and by the way, I'm usin your mempry card for my PES3 data, so now you can't have it back.
screw you hippy :p

22/10/2003, 11:58 AM
just on the point of players not running forward, you actually can set all these, either in general for the whole game in the formation settings, or by pressing a combination of buttons.

can remember which ones do which, because i just use the formation settings

BTW I'm editting City into the game and want it to be done as well as possible, so i'll be sharing what i've done and asking i anyone can improve upon it heret=2365&sid=8d7b653158dd5c301a7e40a20f8ab98d (http://www.eirways.com/citynet/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2365&sid=8d7b653158dd5c301a7e40a20f8ab98d) and here (http://www.geocities.com/gavinzac) :D

22/10/2003, 12:26 PM
Fair play to you mate...

I didn't edit them all completely but over time it evolved...

23/10/2003, 11:34 AM
just played it last night- excellent. best one yet. although keepers can be very dodgy

23/10/2003, 1:07 PM
An example of what can be done with the PC version:


It should be noted that that is only done on the (leaked) demo version that's doing the rounds on torrent, e-donkey and the like so there's a few things that are wrong:

The out of place numbers/crests are there because there's no edit mode on the demo, if you've fiddle with the PS2 one then you'll know that all of that can be removed.

The collars are wrong because the template for those kits were taken from one which is used for an earlier version. It can be fixed really easily.

I'm not 100% sure how to actually make the kits myself (the screen was done by someone else) but I'll find out - a fully "licensed" U.C.D. would be absolutely amazing.

The kits aren't the only things that can edited, by the way, balls, sponsor boards, goalkeeper's gloves, the menus and the in game sounds (crowd chants ect.) can all be changed with a bit of know how.

23/10/2003, 1:23 PM
Yeah i've seen people put a lot of stuff into the WE7 for PC so it'd be easy to convert over. and since when do arsenal have english players :D

24/10/2003, 9:48 PM


I rule.

24/10/2003, 9:55 PM
How'd you do that? PC?

24/10/2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Supersonic_779
How'd you do that? PC?

The screenshot is taken from the PC Demo (I don't have it myself, got someone else to test the kit for me). I drew the entire kit myself (and pasted in the Bud logo).

Here's the original .bmp


24/10/2003, 10:08 PM
aaaah...very nice

deise deserter
12/11/2003, 4:53 PM
A couple of thoughts:

Why not make a sticky thread in off-topic to list all the options you had to do to make the players on your EL team? It would allow everyone to create the teams as quickly as possible.

The thread could also allow for downloads for PC versions of the game.