View Full Version : Your top 3 films of 2008

max power
04/11/2008, 9:38 AM
Almost the end of the year and there have been some good and bad moments.

So what are your top 3 of the year and why ????

Doesn't matter if they are comedy, action, drama etc. These are your personal choices and there has to be some dodgey ones in there.........:D

04/11/2008, 10:34 AM
Ive watched so few films this year that it would be hard to pick 3 good ones but my favourite was Wall-E loved that little guy. Then i guess the Dark Knight Iron man step brothers and tropic thunder and In Bruges is about all ive watched.

1. Wall-E ( its just brilliant )
2. In Bruges ( very good little film i like both Farrel and Brendan Gleeson )
3. Iron man ( i picked this over the dark knight as i think R.D. Jnr was fantastic much better than Bale or Ledger and i prefere the back ground story )

04/11/2008, 10:47 AM
dark knight
in bruges

Not sure about 3rd yet

gonna say

THere will be blood

04/11/2008, 12:33 PM
Didnt get to watch many new movies this year but here goes:

1. Sex and the City (I am female and I love shoes so give me a break!!)
2. Shrooms (Coz my brother helped make it!!)
3. Inland Empire (see not a total chickflick aholic)

04/11/2008, 12:42 PM
In Bruges - Great movie, genuinely is top class
Man On Wire - Unbelievable movie about an unbelievable event
The Dark Knight - Just fantastic

honourable mentions to Wall-E, Elegy, Ironman and Cloverfield

All in all a pretty dire year for movies truth be told

04/11/2008, 12:48 PM
- In Bruges
- No Country For Old Men (saw it in January or February IIRC?)
- and keeping the third spot open for Hunger if it's a fraction as good as what's being said.
(also haven't seen Wall-E either yet so that might sneak in :o )

ken foree
04/11/2008, 12:57 PM
nice shouts for 'inland empire' (haven't seen) and 'man on wire' - two i didn't expect to crop up in this thread. 'man on wire' was pretty extraordinary, the feat i think overwhelms the film or rather, the film perhaps can't quite live up to the event. if you liked that Jebus you should definitely check out 'deep water' if you haven't already seen it. another doc. about another extraordinary event that doesn't quite go as well as planned.

'inland empire' well you can't go far wrong with lynch for sheer insanity. nice one Magicme!

i don't think i have a real top 3 but i also liked wall-e and batman 2. iron man was good. overall i thought herzog's 'encounters at the end of the world' was tops.

04/11/2008, 1:15 PM
Yeah Deep Water was quite good, didn't really like imagining myself in their situation so was kinda fearful throughout the movie and didn't find it enjoyable, still was a good flick though.

Haven't seen the new Herzog, but have you checked out Grizzly Man from a few years ago? Great movie about another horrible event

04/11/2008, 1:21 PM
'inland empire' well you can't go far wrong with lynch for sheer insanity. nice one Magicme!

A mate of mine is a total David Lynch nut and got me into his movies. The insanity of his movies makes me feel sane!

Oh and on my list, In Bruges would make it only wanted to go with slightly different ones than had been mentioned. It was a quality flick.

ken foree
04/11/2008, 1:57 PM
Yeah Deep Water was quite good, didn't really like imagining myself in their situation so was kinda fearful throughout the movie and didn't find it enjoyable, still was a good flick though.

Haven't seen the new Herzog, but have you checked out Grizzly Man from a few years ago? Great movie about another horrible event

aye! f. me what a movie. when he listens to that tape..! ugh. you'll dig 'encounters' if you liked that. considerably more upbeat and uplifting i should say.

ken foree
04/11/2008, 1:59 PM
A mate of mine is a total David Lynch nut and got me into his movies. The insanity of his movies makes me feel sane!

Oh and on my list, In Bruges would make it only wanted to go with slightly different ones than had been mentioned. It was a quality flick.

ha, nice. what's your favorite? i think it's 'mulholland drive' for me. it's cool that he does really f*cking good 'regular' movies too, elephant man and the straight story for example.

04/11/2008, 3:12 PM
ha, nice. what's your favorite? i think it's 'mulholland drive' for me. it's cool that he does really f*cking good 'regular' movies too, elephant man and the straight story for example.

Mine would be Wild at Heart but also loved Blue Velvet.

04/11/2008, 3:39 PM
1. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
2. No Country for Old Men
3. Hunger

04/11/2008, 8:40 PM
Going by the ratings I gave them in my diary when I saw them (yes, I'm a nerd like that!) No Country For Old Men, Gone Baby Gone and a tie between We Own the Night, There Will Be Blood, The Dark Knight, Iron Man, and Pineapple Express. For sheer surprise at just how good they were I'd probably go for one of the latter two.

05/11/2008, 10:29 PM
1. Dark Knight (Can't wait for the DVD release. The more i thought about this film after seeing it the better i thought it was)
2. In Bruges
3. Wanted/Gone Baby Gone/Forgetting Sarah Marshell/ The Incredible Hulk (between one of them, Wanted prob just edge Gone Baby gone for me)

Wasn't too many good films released this year. Ended up being dissapointed with films more often than not this year.

Pike B
06/11/2008, 12:22 PM
1: The Dark Knight
2: No Country For Old Men
3: Charlie Wilson's War

07/11/2008, 8:48 AM
1: The Dark Knight
2: No Country For Old Men
3: Charlie Wilson's War

Was going to put in Charlie Wilsons War myself but it was actually a 2007 release. Excellent film.

07/11/2008, 11:55 AM
Dark Knight
In Bruges
No Country For Old Men

I'm sure hunger will make the top 3 once I see it.

Pike B
07/11/2008, 12:42 PM
Was going to put in Charlie Wilsons War myself but it was actually a 2007 release. Excellent film.
Oooops. Didn't realise it was 2007.. I'll stick in Iron Man then..