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pineapple stu
28/10/2008, 12:20 PM

Whaddya think?

I have a scarf, but the towel is cool and the pin badge is, shall we say, an improvement on what we have. :)

28/10/2008, 1:04 PM
Some of the merchandise seems nice, but I'm not pushed about the whole pack.

Colm and the other guy who set this up were at the FAI meeting, and gave a pitch on it. They seem to be mainly aiming at the ex-pat market. I don't know if it's a good business plan overall - they need a lot of sales to break even, but I hope they succeed with it.

Student Mullet
28/10/2008, 1:43 PM
The A stands for Association.

28/10/2008, 2:25 PM
The A stands for Association.
Yes it does. Good spot. I hope those hats haven't been made yet.

Student Mullet
28/10/2008, 2:36 PM
Yes it does. Good spot. I hope those hats haven't been made yet.

Because it would be hilarious if they made a thousand blue UCD hats and afterwards discovered that they were crap.

28/10/2008, 2:47 PM

Whaddya think?

I have a scarf, but the towel is cool and the pin badge is, shall we say, an improvement on what we have. :)

I think it's spam.

The Club Shop already carry some of those items (hats, bags etc) and other items are available from some people close to the club ( car stickers etc.).

The error with the club name is a reflection of the distance the manufacturers are from the individual football club.
(It would not stop the sellers attempting to sell the items though.)

28/10/2008, 2:47 PM
Because it would be hilarious if they made a thousand blue UCD hats and afterwards discovered that they were crap.
Yeah, they'd have to foist them off on unsuspecting children or something.

EDIT: Harpo, there's less distance between the manufacturers and the club than you might think. Titan's involved in this.

28/10/2008, 3:06 PM
And the prize goes to Student Mullet!

Yeah we know that but the guy doing the cads didnt. The actual hat has UCD AFC on it.

28/10/2008, 3:10 PM
I think it's spam.

The Club Shop already carry some of those items (hats, bags etc) and other items are available from some people close to the club ( car stickers etc.).

The error with the club name is a reflection of the distance the manufacturers are from the individual football club.
(It would not stop the sellers attempting to sell the items though.)

Which club shop would this be?The one I tried to set up at the start of the season?

The error was a typo. The manufacturer in the case of the hat is based 120 miles north of UCD and we are based about 45 miles north!

28/10/2008, 3:25 PM
And the prize goes to Student Mullet!

Yeah we know that but the guy doing the cads didnt. The actual hat has UCD AFC on it.

Just to clarify, the hat doesn't have UCD Athletic Football Club on it then?
Only the website is in error?

If I get an answer to these questions it will help me respond to your next post.
(Please note a couple of UCD supporters HATE other UCD supporters posting on successive occasions. I'm more liberal and tolerant of it.)

Which club shop would this be?The one I tried to set up at the start of the season?

The error was a typo. The manufacturer in the case of the hat is based 120 miles north of UCD and we are based about 45 miles north!

28/10/2008, 3:26 PM
Actually I forgot to say that there is an error on 1 of the other teams as well.

Answers on a postcard......

28/10/2008, 3:28 PM
...manufacturer in the case of the hat is based 120 miles north of UCD...
Cushendall!? ;)

28/10/2008, 3:30 PM
Actually I forgot to say that there is an error on 1 of the other teams as well.

Answers on a postcard......
I got another three...;)

28/10/2008, 3:45 PM
Just to clarify, the hat doesn't have UCD Athletic Football Club on it then?
Only the website is in error?

If I get an answer to these questions it will help me respond to your next post.
(Please note a couple of UCD supporters HATE other UCD supporters posting on successive occasions. I'm more liberal and tolerant of it.)

Yes the actual hat has UCD AFC and not Athletic football club as per the website

28/10/2008, 3:51 PM
Yes the actual hat has UCD AFC and not Athletic football club as per the website

Thanks for your reply.

In answer to your earlier questions.
The Club Shop in the Sports Centre near the UCD Bowl sell hats, tops and bags with the UCD crest. I am starting to replenish by my UCD wardrobe from it.

Bald Student
28/10/2008, 4:15 PM
The students' union has lots of UCD gear as well but this stuff still looks nice too.

I might start dropping myteam.ie related hints in the direction of the bird when we get closer to Christmas.

28/10/2008, 4:45 PM
Thanks for your reply.

In answer to your earlier questions.
The Club Shop in the Sports Centre near the UCD Bowl sell hats, tops and bags with the UCD crest. I am starting to replenish by my UCD wardrobe from it.

None of that stuff is UCD AFC its all generic UCD collegy type stuff

Poor Student
28/10/2008, 4:50 PM
The Club Shop in the Sports Centre near the UCD Bowl sell hats, tops and bags with the UCD crest. I am starting to replenish by my UCD wardrobe from it.

That's not the club shop. That's a shop in the sports centre. Are you referring to college branded stuff or stuff specifically branded for the football club?

I cannot see any harm at all in the myteam package. You can buy the stuff and part of the sales will go onto the club. My only gripe would be the myteam logo on the scarf.:o

01/11/2008, 9:29 AM
....and the Oscar for pedantry goes to........?

pineapple stu
01/11/2008, 11:33 AM

(Force of habit...)

01/11/2008, 8:44 PM
I hope this works out for the guys but it looks like a long shot

Having said that, before most good ideas, somebody said it was a daft idea...........