View Full Version : RTE not showing Pats v Bohs Match Live

16/10/2003, 12:21 PM
RTE have decided to abandon their plans to show the eircom League match between Pats v Bohs.

After ratings of 194,000 for the FAI Cup replay it doesn't make sense.

I'm not annoyed just because I'm a Bohs fan (I'll be at Richmond Park anyway), it's the whole lack of publicity and support for the eL that gets me.

Apparently RTE backed out because they showed the Cup replay live and feel this was enough!

16/10/2003, 12:26 PM
I don't think its such a big issue.

Sometimes its better to sit on a 194k tv rating than show the same clubs for 3rd time in as many weeks & get 100k or something.

TV3/RTE might be better off maybe showing Bohs v Shels league showdown whenever than played?

16/10/2003, 12:35 PM
It doesn't have to be a Dublin derby, any live coverage of eL would be great and the option to watch it should be there. It's just so few and far between at the moment.

16/10/2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Robinski
.. any live coverage of eL would be great ..

Agree totally. We need tv exposure to get the nuetrals interested.
The crowds are never going to come out in force to watch eL football unless the profile is raised somehow. We need media coverage to get people interested. A 30 min package on at midnight on Monday isn't the answer. That only draws viewers who are already commited to the eL anyway.

A face
16/10/2003, 6:17 PM
Originally posted by Robinski
It doesn't have to be a Dublin derby.

It doesn't matter if both teams were from the moon .... It is the quality of football played that is most important.

RTÉ are so brutal, it is unreal .... how can they be sooo bad, it begs belief. What did we do in our past lives to be landed with such a joke of a national broadcaster.

Half heaRTÉd !! :rolleyes:

Peat Burns
16/10/2003, 8:09 PM
they make no efford and dont intend to
they had 5 mins build up to the cup semis and spent that time advertising other matches

17/10/2003, 2:30 AM
The thing that gets me was that not 2 Days ago you were all tripping over yourselves to say how great RTEngerland are for (going out of their way ?????) showing one of the best Matches on TV in a long time!!!

Now they decided to quit whilst they are ahead, EL Fan's calling them great and crawl back into that little hole called comfort zone!!

Might make ye's think twice about applauding them so much next time.

Go TV3!!

A face
17/10/2003, 4:42 PM
To be fair .... I think everyone was just buzzing 'cos it was a great game the other night.

TV3 have been far more positive in their efforts considering thhey dont get license money.

Our National Broadcaster is a joke !! And it seems there is nothing we can do about it. :rolleyes:

17/10/2003, 5:30 PM
We could bombard them with e-mails, it would hardly bring them to their knees but it would make an impact if enough people did it. From all the internet mbs alone we could get nigh 100 people easily enough. We could possibly protest somewhere, outside the offices on match days or something.

And TV3 run a **** show at ungodly hours, but in fairness they did go out of their way to secure a deal with the leauge, RTE just take a game whenever they need to fill an hour and a half.

17/10/2003, 9:35 PM
looks like a massive boo-boo from r.t.e. again

would loved to have seen this

seemed like a classic

18/10/2003, 10:31 AM
It was a great game, exhibition stuff from Bohs at times during the match. It went on for almost 110 minutes, had some quality goals, a shocking penalty decision, 2 stretchered off (cue chants of "you're gonna run out of stretchers":D ) and some comical first touches by the growth hormone addict Delaney. And most importantly a win for Bohs against Pats (finally) :cool:

Can't wait to hear Roddy's fat little cousin's take on it

18/10/2003, 11:39 AM
Good game except for the players we lost to thuggery, Bohs played some superb football and should have scored more that 4.
Well ****ed at the Bohs players attitude in regards to whomping Pats players and when both were down with serious injuries (ie not moving for 5 mintues usually denotes serious) not putting the ball out of play ,the game was over as a contest when Charles went down,Bohs held onto the ball and when aPats player put it out ,Bohs refused to give it back.

Didnt expect Pats to do anything and the 2 goals they got flattered them as they were played of the park.


A face
19/10/2003, 2:29 PM
Originally posted by ShelsTim
We could bombard them with e-mails, it would hardly bring them to their knees but it would make an impact if enough people did it. From all the internet mbs alone we could get nigh 100 people easily enough. We could possibly protest somewhere, outside the offices on match days or something.

This is the way to go .....


If we protest ... we'll be labelled as thugs
If we email,post etc. ......... they will ignore

Gotta hit them where it hurts !
