View Full Version : Saw

26/10/2008, 12:13 AM
Watched Saw for the first time tonight on C4. Its not a bad idea for a horror flick but with Saw V in the cinema now I don't see how it could be spun out for 4 sequels and still be intresting(1 sequel ok and 2 at the very most). Also the Scary move,american pie etc franchises

And with fims like House Bunny(dumb blonde make it good movie) out at the moment, it kinda sums up much of modern american cinema pupmping out more or less the same movie 3 or 4 times a year and idiots go to them every time

26/10/2008, 1:09 AM
Answer to your question as to how Saw could sprun out 4 interesting sequels is that it couldn't and it didn't

26/10/2008, 7:33 AM
I have not seen Saw 2 - 5 but from Saw and the resulting trailers, they basically seem to have gone down the "how many gross acts can we make with someone having to choose to do awful things to themselves" I don't see an oscar likely. Saw was passable on the fact it was mildly novel.

26/10/2008, 10:16 AM
Saw was good , the rest less so

26/10/2008, 10:51 PM
Watched about 50 min or Saw 2 there and turned it off. Seen it all before

27/10/2008, 8:46 AM
was that the furnance movie on tv last night. I didn't know what it was and turned it off. It looked worst than bad. So bad its almost funny bad.

27/10/2008, 11:19 AM
There is supposed to be a Saw 6 coming out in 2010 I heard

27/10/2008, 5:34 PM
was that the furnance movie on tv last night. I didn't know what it was and turned it off. It looked worst than bad. So bad its almost funny bad.

Aye thats the one I turned off round that time

29/10/2008, 11:35 AM
Only saw the first 2, I'd give the first one 3/5 maybe 3.5, second one was garbage and it was obvious that they were just going to milk this for every penny they can get, I just have to laugh at the people who went to Saw 5

Stevo Da Gull
29/10/2008, 3:50 PM
I thought that Saw was good. My favourite is Saw 2, then it's all down hill.

29/10/2008, 3:54 PM
There is supposed to be a Saw 6 coming out in 2010 I heard

Contracts signed for 6 and 7 I believe.

The first one was a good idea horribly acted, 3.5.
Second was better acting awful plot, 2.5
Third I thought was the best balanced although the idea was getting weak, 3
Fourth was pure rubbish, don't think I've seen a film with so many plot holes, 1.5
I'll probably still end up going to see 5, 6 and 7 :o

29/10/2008, 4:09 PM
I really enjoyed 1 thought it was new and clever low budget horror.

Everything after that was bad, but yes i have watched them all and will watch 5 .....6..............and prob 7 :o

30/10/2008, 8:22 PM
Thought the first and second ones where very enjoyable. The Third wasn't too bad either, the fourth one was awful though and as i said immediately after seeing it, it was a cop out, its like they couldn't think of a decent ending so just threw anything together.

Will watch 5, 6 and 7. I have come this far so may aswell go the whole way :p:D

06/11/2008, 11:39 PM
went to see saw!! 5 last night, similar to the previous ones, not going to win any awards but it was a decent way to spend a couple of hours

07/11/2008, 12:25 AM
I'm right in remembering that the reason given for Jigsaw being so cruel and murderous is that he has cancer right?

07/11/2008, 8:16 AM
I'm right in remembering that the reason given for Jigsaw being so cruel and murderous is that he has cancer right?

Yea i think so i think there was a little more to it, I think in the first one at least it was people that had done wrong ended up in this "game" similar to seven and phone booth

07/11/2008, 9:10 AM
He had cancer. His wife worked in some drug care centre. They were helping a junkie type. Wife was pregnant, got door slammed on her by same junkie type trying to rob the place or something, lost baby. He decided bad people need to be punished/confront their badness in horrible ways because being nice gives you cancer and kills your babies!