View Full Version : Irish Fans

15/10/2003, 11:56 AM
Met a fella on train back from Basel on Saturday he was wearing the obligatory Celtic jersey. He was pi**ed and smoking in an non-smoking section, until he was told to put it out.

I asked him he watched the match, he said he saw a few minutes on TV but was having too much craic to watch. Great football fan..

Also I object to anyone singing you'll never walk alone to the bunch that were out on the field last Saturday. That should be reserved for at least a brave performance.

15/10/2003, 12:31 PM
i think this is a great development. let's all report on any person who might have put a foot wrong on the trip. i'll be honest i feel really guilty, i saw a guy wearing the not so obligatory ireland jersey drop a mars bar wrapper on the street and i didn't report him to the appropriate authorities. i feel ashamed and violated. also there was a guy wearing the really not so obligatory sligo rovers jersey who spilt beer on my foot. i don't think he actually noticed but i just want to report him anyway, 'cos i was wearing my good shoes. i think such excellent expose reportage as is exhibited here by "condex" should be encouraged and where possible we should gather any relevent personal information and post it so we can continue the shaming long after everybody returns home. i'm sure that will lead to a great atmosphere at future away games where all excessive behaviour will be a thing of the past. carry on senator mccarthy, carry on!

15/10/2003, 12:50 PM
ammmmmm.. Iwas with a swiss chick.. I did practice safe sex though..I gave her a false name and address..I am so ashamed....I feel unclean and unworthy..please forgive me....

I have shamed my family

15/10/2003, 4:40 PM
Originally posted by Condex
Also I object to anyone singing you'll never walk alone to the bunch that were out on the field last Saturday. That should be reserved for at least a brave performance.

I thought the singing of You'll Never Walk Alone was superb, no matter how poor Ireland play it's always important to get behind the team to give them confidence, even for the next match, and I thought that song sounded excellent over the TV.

15/10/2003, 5:28 PM
Great I've annoyed a few people.

The point I was trying to make was that in some cases this is type of 'fan' that is turning up for games, who has no great interest in football.

Many of them are getting tickets to big games while people who have followed the team through thick and thin had to shell out a lot of money or can't get tickets at all.

15/10/2003, 9:49 PM
but as you said yourself this "fan" didn't have a ticket, he watched it or didn't watch it in a bar. stop whinging. ireland only had a 3000 or so allocation, so unless you are on the 10 year lansdowne road scheme, you have no god given right to a ticket. it's then you're choice to pay whatever the going rate is. if you would rather stay at home and not have to deal with these type of fans then again that's your choice.

16/10/2003, 8:14 AM
Originally posted by clarkeyboy
i think this is a great development. let's all report on any person who might have put a foot wrong on the trip. i'll be honest i feel really guilty, i saw a guy wearing the not so obligatory ireland jersey drop a mars bar wrapper on the street and i didn't report him to the appropriate authorities. i feel ashamed and violated. also there was a guy wearing the really not so obligatory sligo rovers jersey who spilt beer on my foot. i don't think he actually noticed but i just want to report him anyway, 'cos i was wearing my good shoes. i think such excellent expose reportage as is exhibited here by "condex" should be encouraged and where possible we should gather any relevent personal information and post it so we can continue the shaming long after everybody returns home. i'm sure that will lead to a great atmosphere at future away games where all excessive behaviour will be a thing of the past. carry on senator mccarthy, carry on!

good post,

You'll have to forgive 'condex', it is obviously important for him to get his daily dig at celtic supporters in.

For me its those eegits who stand around waving inflatable hammers in your face dancing around in their leprechaun outfits not even watching the game, that should have their mugshots posted in a hall of shame.....damn the lot of them

16/10/2003, 9:08 AM
clarkey boy wrote
so unless you are on the 10 year lansdowne road scheme, you have no god given right to a ticket.

I have been block booking from thre start and travel away and I still didn't get a ticket..it doesn't matter to the FAI who you are .....its aload of ******

17/10/2003, 4:08 PM
Since we are all in the name and shame humour I have a thing or to admit . I drank . A lot . And then some more . So I felt a little frisky . I found this Swiss person and swapped my Irish jersey and flag with their Swiss jersey and flag . Not feeling I'd depricated myself enough , I sought a dealer in Basle and bought two rohypnol from him . I dropped one in my pint glas about twenty minutes later and soon enough i was at themecry of myself . Not too much later I soon found that I was in a sheltered area with myself and was getting self abuse left right and centre . I then realised that when I woke up I couldn't remember anything that had gone on the night before save for the fact that I had a massive smile on my face . And that the white cross on the Swiss flag had grown considerably .

But on a serious note not everyone is going to be totally happy with others behaviour but for the most part I though the behaviour of the fans was exemplary consiodering th fact the amount of people who got shafted and also the people who bought tickets from touts that were not even for the game last Saturday (Swiss v Albania tickets).

:D :(

17/10/2003, 6:23 PM
was she very expensive ozymandias:D

20/10/2003, 7:54 AM
nice one Norhtsider......two capucinos and she was any ones..lol...:D