View Full Version : Linda Lewis????

14/10/2003, 4:45 PM
Anyone know what happened to our commercial manager Linda Lewis?
Her name isn't on the programme anymore and said in 451 that she was gone.
Was she fired or did she jump ship??
Any info anybody???

14/10/2003, 5:06 PM
She has moved on to pastures new or something like that...

Think it was announced in the programme, .....sorry match day magazine for the Bohs game? which ever game was before the "away" Rovers one at the cross anyways...

14/10/2003, 5:29 PM
Originally posted by pete
She has moved on to pastures new or something like that ..

because she's worth it :D :cool:

15/10/2003, 6:58 AM
keep it in your pants James ;)

15/10/2003, 7:31 AM
Has she been replaced or is it another case of somebody realising that a job with an LOI club ain't exactly job security.