View Full Version : RIP SAIPAN and ROYKEANE

14/10/2003, 2:49 PM
Now that Euro 2004 is no longer a dream, I think we can at last bury Saipan and the Roy Keane issue for good, lets face it the campaign was overshadowed from the very start by the whole debacle, it was around this time last year that the swiss beat us in landsdowne road, and booed McCarthy of the pitch, chanting keano keano. McCarthy Retired and Keane who I have no doubt is a strong minded individual but lets face it Ferguson along with others have poisoned a dangerous mind (read Dunphys book, its a good vehicle for dunphies own bitterness, Charlton et al), keane didn't come back to play for Ireland going back on previous statements, he made Kerr look foolish, and let the nation down once again ( seeking justification in an added chapter in his book). I am neither pro-keane or pro-McCarthy (who i feel dealt with a firery individual in a childish manner- the players meeting was a scapegoat fiasco) I am a realist and feel that now we have closure we must move on.
After returning from Basel I am bitterly disappointed with the manner of our defeat, we stuttered our way through this campaign and finally crashed to a an lame defeat, last time we capitulated like that was to the a Worldclass Dutch Side in Anfield 1995, but this was an average Swiss side.
So thats it the end of a long nightmare in Irish Football at last, but forget it now, as in 1995 its out with the old and in with the new. Being optimistic, I see Given, Carr, Duffer, keane, Finnan, O'Shea, (he'll learn from that nightmare) emerge as stronger wiser characters, a trait missing on saturday due to their youth.. Holland, Kilbane, Kinsella, Breen will fade into squad players eventually replaced by Healy, Reid, and O'Brien (still to prove themselves at this level, but in their youth there is promise, .. make way for the young guns whose value will become apparent this time next year, Miller, Thorton, Andy Reid, Thompson, Butler, Willo Flood (if only 2 of these make it, it's a major plus). Be optimistic give Kerr his shot and forget the past.

14/10/2003, 3:20 PM
Even if Saipan never happened Keane would have been 99% certain to retire at the end of the euro 2004 campaign so hopefully will soon be the end of the "if Keane came back" talk.

14/10/2003, 3:42 PM
An excellent and intelligent post from Beanie. In the cold light of defeat we must put division behind us and forget as best we can. The future is what counts and to be sure and certain that there was blame on both sides, but now the protaganists are all gone and thats a good thing. We need unity in the sqaud team and supporters, and prayers for a good world cup draw. Deutch er alles.

14/10/2003, 4:08 PM
Hopp Irland