View Full Version : Crowds in Croker

16/10/2008, 10:58 PM

My thoughts from last night. At €50+ a pop, I really do wonder why people like this turn up.

16/10/2008, 11:17 PM
You get these types at all big sporting events now. Some people suggest that there has been a noticeable increase in their numbers since the move to Croke Park but I'd say they will be present in equal numbers in the new Lansdowne Road, they just won't be as noticeable.

17/10/2008, 10:53 AM
No I think the fact that we have a huge amount of extra tickets means that while some of those extra tickets are going to proper fans who sing and enjoy the action and get behind the team, there is a strong possibility that the types of fans described above will get tickets. I think there will be less of it at LR.

17/10/2008, 12:25 PM
No I think the fact that we have a huge amount of extra tickets means that while some of those extra tickets are going to proper fans who sing and enjoy the action and get behind the team, there is a strong possibility that the types of fans described above will get tickets. I think there will be less of it at LR.

I agree with Neil here. I feel (and I'm not too happy about it) that going to Croker is for getting to watch the match live and thats it. With Lansdowne (for competitive games) I always felt that you were with like-minded people and it was a social occasion.

I can't wait to go back.

17/10/2008, 10:09 PM
I agree that LR was more of a social occasion and the atmosphere more intense, the problem with Croker is in the size of the pitch alongg with the amount of Corp yups that a too smart too bear a green jersey to the game. The void between touchline and front row is too great, also the hill which was left shockingly empty (the FAI can be blamed for this on the extortionate ticket prices) is a sound vacuum. The open end result in the crowd reverb being disproportionate, resulting in Cusack/Davin/Hogan being out of sync which ive experienced every Ireland game at Croker, by the time half the ground "stand up for the boys in green" no one knows whats goin on. The new LR (which looks savage already) should be a far more intimate/intimidating, I cant f%ck@n wait!!

18/10/2008, 1:37 PM
The void between touchline and front row is too great, also the hill which was left shockingly empty (the FAI can be blamed for this on the extortionate ticket prices) is a sound vacuum. The open end result in the crowd reverb being disproportionate, resulting in Cusack/Davin/Hogan being out of sync which ive experienced every Ireland game at Croker, by the time half the ground "stand up for the boys in green" no one knows whats goin on.

I dont agree with this, the individuals are what make it. The blogger alluded to the eL games where grounds wouldnt have acoustics anywhere near as good as Croke Park and the decibel level would be constantly higher than home games. It is certainly possible to generate noise in Croke Park.

The new LR (which looks savage already) should be a far more intimate/intimidating, I cant f%ck@n wait!!

I wouldn't get my hopes up. Irish people have become too self-concious and I doubt there is any way back. There will be something else to blame for the poor atmosphere once we're there. I hope I'm wrong though.

18/10/2008, 3:25 PM
The idea that noise somehow escapes from the Hill end is a complete red herring. I've been there on days when the Hill was completely closed and there was still plenty of noise being generated.

20/10/2008, 10:02 AM
The band that the FAI insist on having ruins the crowd. They dont inspire singing they stop it. If they are playing there is no incentive for the fans to chant. If the ground was quiet then the fans would have to take the bull by the horns.

20/10/2008, 12:45 PM

My thoughts from last night. At €50+ a pop, I really do wonder why people like this turn up.

They should make tickets more available to the real fans and even open up Hill 16 to League Of Ireland fans who if put together would create an atmosphere and get behind the side without getting dirty looks from corporate yuppies in the rest of the ground.

In the Davin stand where I was at the game, there was a group of St.Pat's fans and a group of Bray fans near us and everytime they got something going they got strange looks from a minority of people who thought they were at the cinema. :o

I would love if a group of Limerick fans could do the same but its difficult to get seats together. Don't get me wrong the atmosphere was very good at times last Wednesday but just not enough "real fans"

20/10/2008, 1:34 PM
There already is an eL section in the Davin. It seems to be full of random friends of eL fans, and there's not that much singing from any of the groups, though Shams do give it a go every now and again. The eL section was definately noisier in Lansdowne. I don't quite know why.

20/10/2008, 2:13 PM
The band that the FAI insist on having ruins the crowd. They dont inspire singing they stop it. If they are playing there is no incentive for the fans to chant. If the ground was quiet then the fans would have to take the bull by the horns.

100% agree. they "play" tunes that are no relevance to the fans. a few well placed bodhran beaters around the stands would be far more effective. could the foot.ie members not organise something? surely theres enough of us to make a difference?

20/10/2008, 5:57 PM
100% agree. they "play" tunes that are no relevance to the fans. a few well placed bodhran beaters around the stands would be far more effective. could the foot.ie members not organise something? surely theres enough of us to make a difference?

Might try to have a word with them for the "away" match Vs Poland about their play list :confused: and see if they could bang out what the fans might sing/chant along with :cool:

The problem about foot.ie members is that they are spread out all around the Davin end and we dont know each other so that we could attempt to co-ordinate singing. Maybe we should look for a foot.ie section :eek: (particularly when we get back to LR)

co. down green
20/10/2008, 9:52 PM
I can't wait to get back to Lansdowne to be honest.

Hate the place for football matches, not sure if its because of the size of the stadium or the people round us who just don't seem that interested in the game.

20/10/2008, 11:07 PM
I too cant wait to get back to Lansdowne, I hate Croker.

SUB of the day
21/10/2008, 9:09 PM
I too cant wait to get back to Lansdowne, I hate Croker.
Sums it up ,ironic really, I couldn't wait to see football in Croker, now I'm counting down the games to get out of there.:ball:

22/10/2008, 11:58 AM
I couldn't wait to see football in Croker, now I'm counting down the games to get out of there.:ball:

Agreed. I waited all my life to see "soccer" at Croke Park and must now reluctantly admit it's been a huge let down. But is that down to the type of fan that goes to Croker? If so, how will the new Lansdowne be different when the seats won't exactly be cheaper there either??

Claret Murph
22/10/2008, 12:15 PM
Agreed. I waited all my life to see "soccer" at Croke Park and must now reluctantly admit it's been a huge let down. But is that down to the type of fan that goes to Croker? If so, how will the new Lansdowne be different when the seats won't exactly be cheaper there either??

Do you know it's funny I have not heard one guy who loves us playing at Croke Park . Yes can't wait to go back HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):)

pineapple stu
22/10/2008, 12:16 PM
The same fans will go to the games in Lansdowne. And the new Lansdowne will be a similarly open, large stadium (won't be the same size, obviously, but it'll be large and have none of the almost homeliness of the old Lansdowne). Don't see much difference to be honest, apart from Lansdowne being easier for me to get to.

22/10/2008, 12:20 PM
The same fans will go to the games in Lansdowne. And the new Lansdowne will be a similarly open, large stadium (won't be the same size, obviously, but it'll be large and have none of the almost homeliness of the old Lansdowne). Don't see much difference to be honest, apart from Lansdowne being easier for me to get to.

Lansdowne stands will be much, much closer to the pitch. The fact that in Croke Park we are at least 30 yards from the pitch markings is what makes the Croke Pk experience a damp squib in my eyes.

pineapple stu
22/10/2008, 12:22 PM
Well, that's true I suppose. Though my last few games in Lansdowne were pretty much right on the goalline, which wasn't the best either! :)

22/10/2008, 7:19 PM
I thought football in Croker woild be a great thing but it has been such a let down. The irish fans in in mainz created a terriffic atmosphere and there was was young and old fans amongst our numbers. I thought the atmosphere in Podgorica was'nt as good though. I prefer away games now and like many others can't wait to get back to landsdowne.

SUB of the day
22/10/2008, 8:25 PM
The new Lansdowne will be covered on all four sides, occupy practically the same footprint as the old ground, no yawning gaps between touchline and fans,classic football ground with no running track.I still feel like a stranger in Croker,paying the rent but still not welcome.Really can't wait to go home.

22/10/2008, 10:07 PM
I thought football in Croker woild be a great thing but it has been such a let down. The irish fans in in mainz created a terriffic atmosphere and there was was young and old fans amongst our numbers. I thought the atmosphere in Podgorica was'nt as good though. I prefer away games now and like many others can't wait to get back to landsdowne.

So did I taught having a 70,000 mplus crowd would make the place such great thing and make it a dream polace to play.

there was only half that crowd at Lansdowne but so much better.

Sooner Lansdowne is finished the better

23/10/2008, 9:38 AM
lads as Richardson said, nostalgia is fine so long as people are clear about the facts. Landsdowne wasn't that good either to be honest, I cant really remember a game with a good atsmophere there - unless it was rugger.

23/10/2008, 9:43 AM
lads as Richardson said, nostalgia is fine so long as people are clear about the facts. Landsdowne wasn't that good either to be honest, I cant really remember a game with a good atsmophere there - unless it was rugger.

You must be joking!!!

To name but a few :
V Israel 2-2
V Yugoslavia 2-1
V Holland 1-0
V Portugal 1-1
V Czech Rep 1-1

And they are only the recent games. I have been in plenty of stadiums and without doubt the irish games in LR produced the best atmosphere, plus you were really close to the action and had a great view no matter where you were. Admittedly it was a kip but it had great character.

23/10/2008, 11:07 AM
Ya I wasn't at the holland or yougoslavia game...I should have said recent times. Holland was bloody 7 years ago!

An Dun abu
23/10/2008, 11:41 AM
Went to Slovakia last year for the away game with 10 friends, had a brilliant time and the atmosphere in the square was awsome that day. Just dont know why we cant transcend such an atmosphere to home games.
I also cant understand the lack of creativity when it comes to singing, chanting etc. For a nation known for our wit, and literary creativity, its embarassing to hear 'stand up for the boys in green' 500 times a match. Croke Park is like a morgue when the soccer comes to town, I dont know if its because of the new breed of 'fan' who go to see the games, but something needs to change quickly before Landsowne is rocking to the Rugger, but not for Trap's green Army!!

pineapple stu
23/10/2008, 12:24 PM
Slovakia at home in Croker was a good atmosphere too. I think people are engaging in a bit of historical revisionism about how good the atmosphere in Lansdowne was when making the comparisons on this thread. It was better alright, but it was quite often brutal.

23/10/2008, 12:35 PM
Slovakia at home in Croker was a good atmosphere too. I think people are engaging in a bit of historical revisionism about how good the atmosphere in Lansdowne was when making the comparisons on this thread. It was better alright, but it was quite often brutal.

Welcome to the board stu, i mean an dun. Stu I asserted this fact already, im sure there is a thread here for those nerds to root up(Dodge you about ;) only messin) about saying how they couldn't wait(myself included) for croker as the atmosphere would be class compared to landsdowne with double the amount of people and given LR was so poor.

LR for the 3 years before croker was pretty much like a morgue. The one game where i can remember any continuos singing and chanting and this was only for about a half hour was the israel 2-2 draw.

23/10/2008, 1:33 PM
The atmosphere was often poor at Lansdowne but frankly Croke Park is worse. I'm told it is fantastic for GAA games but then it is a GAA stadium and the fans are close to the pitch.

I've been to all the rugby matches there too and the atmosphere has been very poor apart from England and even that wasn't that special. Thre England game in 2001 for example was much better. I think the distance from the pitch makes a big difference. The atmosphere at the RDS in 1992 was awful as well.

When we moved to Lansdowne from Dalymount there was also a concern re lack of atmosphere. The famous Dalymount roar was supposedly lost. Now I didn't experience an International in Dalymount until the 1980's but there was a great atmosphere in Lansdowne in the mid to late 70's.

23/10/2008, 6:35 PM
I've only been impressed by the atmosphere in Croker:
1) When the Dubs are playing - the 7 or 8 other games I've been at have been gick atmosphere-wise (Gah-heads don't sing and save their loudest cheering for the last two lines of Amhrán na bhFiann....)
2) In the famous rugby match against England. All other rugby matches have been poor (I've been at them all).

But there is a lot of revisionism about Lansdowne going on. As Paul said, the atmosphere at qualifiers rarely approached that at rugby games. Rather than any demographic reason, I believe that was more due to the propensity of people who are standing to sing, and the fact there were lots of people standing at the rugby matches.

The new Lansdowne will be better than Croker for sure, but I wouldn't be getting my hopes up, particularly with an immediate 20% of seats being filled with people who will be render speechless by how much they have shelled out for so little (the taken adVantage Club). Such a shame the FAI/IRFU went for exactly the type of stadium that the Americans have been replacing over the past 10 years. Also boo to UEFA for not embracing Safe Standing more.

25/10/2008, 1:01 PM
Hmmm. Bad atmosphere?

Maybe it is because we are ****.

26/10/2008, 9:33 PM
Hmmm. Bad atmosphere?

Maybe it is because we are ****.

Fans should get behind players when they are ****. Its when they are playing badly they need the support the most ;)

28/10/2008, 3:48 PM
Fans should get behind players when they are ****. Its when they are playing badly they need the support the most ;)

Theoretically, yes. But the dross on the park more often than not, seaps into the stands. If we become exciting again, compete for qualification and win games, you'll no doubt see a massive change in atmosphere. Its just the way it goes. You will not get a full house, vibrant crowd when we struggle on the field.

29/10/2008, 8:00 AM
Theoretically, yes. But the dross on the park more often than not, seaps into the stands. If we become exciting again, compete for qualification and win games, you'll no doubt see a massive change in atmosphere. Its just the way it goes. You will not get a full house, vibrant crowd when we struggle on the field.

It is always going to be that way if our expectancy is unrealistic. We need to adopt an acceptance of our postition in world football - something akin to the Nordies (not Brazil etc) - and realise that qualification to every tournament is impossible for a country of our size and sporting preference (ie where Gaah is generally dominant).

The Nordies have embraced the reality of their position as a small nation and the fans are always behind the team, in constrast to ourselves who expect entertainment and constant success. This inevitably transmits around the ground and onto the pitch. The English have a more pronounced version of this problem - no need for emphasis on the negative impact it has on their team - but we are no longer far off.

29/10/2008, 9:06 AM
It is always going to be that way if our expectancy is unrealistic. We need to adopt an acceptance of our postition in world football - something akin to the Nordies (not Brazil etc) - and realise that qualification to every tournament is impossible for a country of our size and sporting preference (ie where Gaah is generally dominant).

The Nordies have embraced the reality of their position as a small nation and the fans are always behind the team, in constrast to ourselves who expect entertainment and constant success. This inevitably transmits around the ground and onto the pitch. The English have a more pronounced version of this problem - no need for emphasis on the negative impact it has on their team - but we are no longer far off.

agree 100%. a great atmosphere in the ground can lift the players. unfortunately most of our "supporters" are there to be entertained and see their premiership heroes play live

30/10/2008, 12:11 PM
i agree some absolutely dry ass knob jockeys go to the games in croker...very upsetting i must say

30/10/2008, 3:02 PM
I can't wait to get back to lansdowne but was a bit dissapointed when i seen the drawings of if in the premium ticket pack , one end behind the goals is a lot smaller than the other end and only has 1 level of seats.

30/10/2008, 3:25 PM
I can't wait to get back to lansdowne but was a bit dissapointed when i seen the drawings of if in the premium ticket pack , one end behind the goals is a lot smaller than the other end and only has 1 level of seats.

taking shape nicely though...


30/10/2008, 3:32 PM
taking shape nicely though...


Its coming along well I was surprised that it was going to be another horseshoe stadium aka a mini croker with a few seats instead of the hill , its 3 levels for 3/4 of the ground then 1 level behind the north goal, weird design but assume they were influeenced by the infrastructure surrounding lansdowne.

30/10/2008, 3:51 PM
Its coming along well I was surprised that it was going to be another horseshoe stadium aka a mini croker with a few seats instead of the hill , its 3 levels for 3/4 of the ground then 1 level behind the north goal, weird design but assume they were influeenced by the infrastructure surrounding lansdowne.

the main plus point over croke park design will be that all four sides will be covered and therefore the stadium will be enclosed. should be great

30/10/2008, 4:05 PM
who worries that those cranes could end up boxed in when the other stand goes up?! :D

30/10/2008, 4:07 PM
the main plus point over croke park design will be that all four sides will be covered and therefore the stadium will be enclosed. should be great

No the main plus point will be its not a gaaaah stadium and run by gaa-ers or any such ilk.

30/10/2008, 4:34 PM
the main plus point over croke park design will be that all four sides will be covered and therefore the stadium will be enclosed. should be greatAll four sides covered, yes, enclosed, no.

The Havelock Square (North) end is so low (1 tier) noise will escape exactly the same way as in Croker and other horseshoe stadiums.

No the main plus point will be its not a gaaaah stadium and run by gaa-ers or any such ilk.Amen!

Other main points include
1) Southside
2) Right sized pitch
3) A big screen which the FAI has control over.....!

30/10/2008, 4:48 PM
All four sides covered, yes, enclosed, no.

The Havelock Square (North) end is so low (1 tier) noise will escape exactly the same way as in Croker and other horseshoe stadiums.

i doubt that. it will be pretty much fully enclosed and certainly far more enclosed than the old lansdowne or croke park

31/10/2008, 10:38 AM
All four sides covered, yes, enclosed, no.

The Havelock Square (North) end is so low (1 tier) noise will escape exactly the same way as in Croker and other horseshoe stadiums.


Other main points include
1) Southside
2) Right sized pitch
3) A big screen which the FAI has control over.....!

Ya but those points are only minute in the bigger scheme of things! :D

Southside is crap though!

13/11/2008, 12:35 PM
No I think the fact that we have a huge amount of extra tickets means that while some of those extra tickets are going to proper fans who sing and enjoy the action and get behind the team, there is a strong possibility that the types of fans described above will get tickets. I think there will be less of it at LR.

I agree.

The crowd for Cyprus was 55K ish. When the move to Croke Park was first announced it was widely agreed that now all ‘real fans’ would be able to get a ticket. Therefore all the real fans where in the ground plus a few others who did not know that much about what was going on.

As said above it will be OK in LR, because there will be no space for the idiots, seeing as the real fans will all be carted for.