View Full Version : Bottle Throwing from Upper Tiers.

Red&White Rover
16/10/2008, 1:03 PM
Did anybody hear of any fans getting injured from two full contour bottles being chucked from the top tier in the Hogan, just underneath the scoreboard?

Seen it happen with my own two eyes, two full bottles, chucked from someone in the exits, out over the edge.

Really could have hurt someone seriously from that height.

The steward beside the terrace didn't even know it had happened:rolleyes:

How these/this scumbags got into the match I don't know...

16/10/2008, 1:04 PM
Did anybody hear of any fans getting injured from two full contour bottles being chucked from the top tier in the Hogan, just underneath the scoreboard?

Seen it happen with my own two eyes, two full bottles, chucked from someone in the exits, out over the edge.

Really could have hurt someone seriously from that height.

The steward beside the terrace didn't even know it had happened:rolleyes:

How these/this scumbags got into the match I don't know...

saw that myself. the culprits were pointed out by some fans and it appeared to me that the stewards didnt want to act

16/10/2008, 1:11 PM
Was there a shams v bohs face-off as well? In the Davin stand (Canal end) allegedly. Just going by what I've seen on some messageboards so it could be a load of balls.

16/10/2008, 1:16 PM
Was in the Davin Upper myself and there was a fight right behind us..dunno what it was over, seemed to be 2 drunk scrumbags..not nice for the kids in the area to be seeing though

16/10/2008, 1:33 PM
That's a disgrase if that happened.

Has anyone noticed that it is becoming a little intimidating in certain quarters attending the home games lately.

Even the away games seem to be attracting an element. I noticed at the Georgia game when john o 'donoghue was doing his broadcast he was been heckled and some idiot insisted on making a proper fool of himself, eventually they cut short the broadcast. And then you had the idiot who ran onto the pitch at that game (not the lad at the legends game)

You always get a few who try and ruin it for the rest of us. We dont need these clowns

16/10/2008, 1:50 PM
Calm down the people outside the Porterhouse in Mainz were not scumbags. It may have got a bit boisterous but it was generally in good fun and Tony O D took it in good spirit. Do not compare that with guys throwing bottles and fights etc.

16/10/2008, 2:15 PM
Green, do you nkow who the eejit you refered to is now?

16/10/2008, 2:51 PM
We were in the lower Hogan and the two bottles landed 2 or 3 rows in front of us. Luckily they didn't hit anyone in the head. It created a sense of unease for the rest of match wondering if more were going to be thrown.

Totally out of order and made worse if the stewards actually had the scum pointed out to them and did nothing. They were probably too busy making sure fans didn't hang their flags up.

16/10/2008, 3:03 PM
Green, do you nkow who the eejit you refered to is now?

got you now Paul - misread what you meant - you could be right!!

16/10/2008, 3:05 PM
You got to ask yourself why did Tony O D do it outside a pub if he it was only about team news etc. It was not. It was done outside a pub in Mainz to get across the Irish fans who had travelled and the atmosphere building up etc. RTE were using that location for a reason and fair play. It probably went a bit overboard but it was all good fun in the end and nobody got hurt etc.

I am sure whoever annoyed you is sorry that they bothered your Friday night in watching the news. As I said it is wrong for that incident to even be mentioned in the same thread as the other ones and to some how say it represents some sort of bad element travelling to games.

Its all very easy to make these comments from the comfort of your couch

Ordinary Fan
16/10/2008, 3:07 PM
The stewards are only there to watch the match. They never see anything else.

16/10/2008, 3:14 PM
there was a fight in the lower cusack with about 10 mins left i couldnt really see what was going on there looked to be good few involved....
sickening to see that sh1te going on between our own fans

Red&White Rover
16/10/2008, 3:33 PM
Was this fight where the guards came in, and i thought saw a small bit of smoke from a firework or something?

16/10/2008, 3:44 PM
You got to ask yourself why did Tony O D do it outside a pub if he it was only about team news etc. It was not. It was done outside a pub in Mainz to get across the Irish fans who had travelled and the atmosphere building up etc. RTE were using that location for a reason and fair play. It probably went a bit overboard but it was all good fun in the end and nobody got hurt etc.

I am sure whoever annoyed you is sorry that they bothered your Friday night in watching the news. As I said it is wrong for that incident to even be mentioned in the same thread as the other ones and to some how say it represents some sort of bad element travelling to games.

Its all very easy to make these comments from the comfort of your couch

Yeah right, he didn't annoy me in fact up to a point i thought it was funny - up to a point but then it got out of hand

What about the pitch invader and the other points in the post - do you condone this

BTW it was on the six news - went out later on and got hammered myself and started doing the same thing to the CCTV cameras - what a laugh that was

16/10/2008, 3:46 PM
Ya was a few rows behind that in the lower Cusack myself. It wasn't really a fight, no punches thrown but not far off.

It started round half way through the 2nd half when a few youngish lads stood up for an Ireland song, and a couple of more affluent, older lads behind got thick and told them to sit down as they had small children.

Anyway, the lads in front began to stand up more and more often seemingly to basically annoy the lads behind, and then the older lads had a go again pointing out the children and everything developed from there until 2 Gardai came in and calmed things down.

It's a tough one really to know who was right there as you go to a match to sing along and create an atmosphere so you shouldn't be haggled for doing so but then what are you supposed to do with the small children? Anyone have any opinions there?

Personally I'm totally against people telling others to sit down at a match. What would they do if they were at the Bulgaria-Italy match last week where they were standing for the 90 minutes?:)

pineapple stu
16/10/2008, 3:48 PM
Was there a shams v bohs face-off as well? In the Davin stand (Canal end) allegedly. Just going by what I've seen on some messageboards so it could be a load of balls.
Source or bin? Nobody else seems to agree, which makes your post potentially just a troll.

Goes for everyone on the thread too. Very easy for this to descend into another bitch fest.

16/10/2008, 3:53 PM
It started round half way through the 2nd half when a few youngish lads stood up for an Ireland song, and a couple of more affluent, older lads behind got thick and told them to sit down as they had small children.

Anyway, the lads in front began to stand up more and more often seemingly to basically annoy the lads behind, and then the older lads had a go again pointing out the children and everything developed from there until 2 Gardai came in and calmed things down.A wonderful example to their kids. :rolleyes:

16/10/2008, 4:27 PM
That's a disgrase if that happened.

Has anyone noticed that it is becoming a little intimidating in certain quarters attending the home games lately.

Even the away games seem to be attracting an element. I noticed at the Georgia game when john o 'donoghue was doing his broadcast he was been heckled and some idiot insisted on making a proper fool of himself, eventually they cut short the broadcast. And then you had the idiot who ran onto the pitch at that game (not the lad at the legends game)

You always get a few who try and ruin it for the rest of us. We dont need these clowns

what ever happened to him?

16/10/2008, 4:43 PM
Yeah right, he didn't annoy me in fact up to a point i thought it was funny - up to a point but then it got out of hand

What about the pitch invader and the other points in the post - do you condone this

BTW it was on the six news - went out later on and got hammered myself and started doing the same thing to the CCTV cameras - what a laugh that was

It was not the six news it was the nine o clock. I was there at it was at 10 o clock Irish time, unless they the repeated it on the Saturday night. It happened at around 20 past 10 German time or 20 past 9 Irish time.

I do not condone the pitch invastion. that guy is a muppet and could have got the FAI a fine etc so why would I condone that. I do not even think those things should even be compared. Hence why I took umbrage at you even bringing up the Tony O D incident on the 9 o clock news and it is so far away from the other incidents mentioned in its seriousness.

16/10/2008, 5:54 PM
they should fill hill 16 with the schoolboys from now on to keep them out of everyones way

16/10/2008, 7:19 PM
there was a few fights in the bend betweem the davin and cusack...There was trouble there for the whole match.

16/10/2008, 9:12 PM
I was in the Davin Lower and saw a few digging matches going on during the 2nd half were the school kids were sitting in the cusack stand. I keep saying it theres an element attaching themselves to supporting Ireland that we do not need and they are going to ruin it for the rest of us.

16/10/2008, 9:18 PM
Seen a three lads in the Chinese in Drumcondra one had a busted face, one was crying his eyes out and the other lad was arguing with two guards. Didn't see what happened but it isnt really a sight you'd expect to see before a match.

16/10/2008, 9:24 PM
Source or bin? Nobody else seems to agree, which makes your post potentially just a troll.

Goes for everyone on the thread too. Very easy for this to descend into another bitch fest.

careful now.....

16/10/2008, 10:40 PM
Source or bin? Nobody else seems to agree, which makes your post potentially just a troll.

Goes for everyone on the thread too. Very easy for this to descend into another bitch fest.

I said I saw references to fighting elsewhere but they were probably a load of balls. Other people have since said they personally witnessed fans fighting. Whats the problem with what I said? How is that trolling?

16/10/2008, 11:32 PM
There's been hassle in the Cusack for the last few matches with the 'schoolboys'. In Lansdowne I used to bring groups up and at least if they were near any idiots they could move - seated that's impossible. I'd never bring a group of kids into that area. It's a shame because the ticket prices are very reasonable. Security is as good as useless there too.

17/10/2008, 12:04 AM
I sit in lower davin between the goal the the cusack corner, not too far from that area.

I try not to pay too much attention to it and could not say for sure but it seems to be just groups of dumb teenagers annoying other groups of teenagers and generally acting the biloxi. Attention seeking is what it is.

The problem is that with each passing game they're getting a little more messy, getting a little more attention from the rest of the crowd and maybe online afterwards and consequently the messing gets worse.

It started with mexican waves originating in the same area. In the last few games the waves haven't caught on, so maybe now it's moved on to different types of attention seeking.

That they'll align with shirts of various clubs in the process is no surprise either. Monkey see, monkey do.

Hopefully the FAI and gardai will take note and nip this in the bud. The stewards need to be briefed on how to handle it, it can't be easy for them. They can't just grab kids and throw them out, they'd have solicitors letters in the post next day.

I feel sorry for the many genuine young people in that area who must look forward to seeing the game only to have their experience ruined with this.

As for the point about standing up when children behind, I think it's fair to say most genuine fans whilst they might prefer to be standing would happily sit down if blocking a childs view. 99% of people wont remaining standing just to be obnoxious and pick fights with the parents, that just doesn't happen with real fans.

17/10/2008, 5:25 AM
i was there for the brazil match and there was a large group of teenagers girls and boys wearing the colours of a northside club who were looking for trouble the whole game and goading another southside clubs group of tosser schooligans who were about 10 rows back.The average age was about 15 complete numptys who had drink in their Boost bottles.

17/10/2008, 10:39 PM
I sit in lower davin between the goal the the cusack corner, not too far from that area.

I try not to pay too much attention to it and could not say for sure but it seems to be just groups of dumb teenagers annoying other groups of teenagers and generally acting the biloxi. Attention seeking is what it is.

The problem is that with each passing game they're getting a little more messy, getting a little more attention from the rest of the crowd and maybe online afterwards and consequently the messing gets worse.

It started with mexican waves originating in the same area. In the last few games the waves haven't caught on, so maybe now it's moved on to different types of attention seeking.

That they'll align with shirts of various clubs in the process is no surprise either. Monkey see, monkey do.

Hopefully the FAI and gardai will take note and nip this in the bud. The stewards need to be briefed on how to handle it, it can't be easy for them. They can't just grab kids and throw them out, they'd have solicitors letters in the post next day.

I feel sorry for the many genuine young people in that area who must look forward to seeing the game only to have their experience ruined with this.

As for the point about standing up when children behind, I think it's fair to say most genuine fans whilst they might prefer to be standing would happily sit down if blocking a childs view. 99% of people wont remaining standing just to be obnoxious and pick fights with the parents, that just doesn't happen with real fans.

I have seen this at the last few matches as well. Maybe the guards could be doing more to stop this sort of behaviour as it seems to happening every match in the same area, the stewards wait until something happens before then turfing some young fella out and it becomes a big deal and the young fellas get more excited. If there was a prevention is better than cure attitude of having a big presence in the area it might stop this carry on. Some people might say this is heavy handed but this sort of ****e is a nuisance and puts people off going to games. The young fellas doing it have just watched a few to many clips of Danny Dyer, the like that chant "lets go ****ing mental" en masse outside. I wont judge because i may have been like that when i was younger but i would hope they look back in later years and cringe.

18/10/2008, 12:52 AM
This is what happens when you move games to the Northside. ;) :D

18/10/2008, 12:04 PM
I think it would be nice/good idea for the FAI to embrace the fans now, rather than just taking money and throwing plaudits every once in a while.

The difference in terms of support between home and away games is a little bit embarrasing, I feel anyway. I mean there were instances the other night when fans cheered when McGeddy was taken off corner duties in the first half, and jeered when we moved the ball back to a full back from midfield.

It would be nice to think that a proper fans area (and family area at that) could be incorporated into the new stadium, they have plenty of time to get something off the ground, all they would need to do is include a form indicating whether the holder wants to sit in a specific area or not.

I still say the best atmosphere's were with LoI fans in the middle of the terrace. Proper noise and colour.

Make it so JD.

Anyone else feel anything similar?

Claret Murph
19/10/2008, 5:10 AM
I still say the best atmosphere's were with LoI fans in the middle of the terrace. Proper noise and colour.

Make it so JD.

Anyone else feel anything similar?

For what I have been reading on here I am so happy to be in the LOI section .:)

pineapple stu
19/10/2008, 5:41 PM
I said I saw references to fighting elsewhere but they were probably a load of balls. Other people have since said they personally witnessed fans fighting. Whats the problem with what I said? How is that trolling?
Because you specifically cited Shamrock Rovers and Bohs fans, which no-one else has backed up. That's just asking for a flame war.

dynamo kerry
20/10/2008, 10:19 PM
sorry lads. I think I may have to go against the grain here.

I sit in upper davin surrounded by a mix of people. young fellas, people my own age (early 30s), we even have a happy couple in there somewhere. We all stand up and join the chants, cheers, etc we've even started a few! but frankly I have no intention of standing for an entire game. And neither do most of the people around me or indeed going to LR/Croker. I'm afraid the LOI fans are simply in the minority.

I went to quite a few ucd games in my day but I wasn't in the 'cool kids' crowd singing behind the goal. I went, cheered, watched football and went home. simple as. I've also been to a great many club matches in scotland and the atmosphere varies from club to club from match to match. Some are 90 mile an hour - others are quite sedate. In fact I've rarely seen atmospheres like I've seen at derry/cork for example. (local derbies aside) I can assure you Falkirk V Dunfermline is quite low key.

I don't feel particulary self concsious and I didn't think the bulk of the people around me were either. They simply don't fancy jumping up and down like mad. It's just not like club football.

As for young fellas looking for attention, I'll happily add my voice to the clamour for them to be neutralised. I'd prefer not to hear about someone getting seriously hurt at an Irish international - which is the way it seems to be heading. Also not entirely sure about bringing very young kids to a football game but each to their own.

back on point. A larger, more concentrated LOI fans section would seem to be in order. I'm not saying you shouldn't sing but don't be sneering at other 'fake fans' who don't feel the urge to join in.

also a reality check - LOI fans don't have a greater moral right to dictate the nature of the atmosphere at ireland games. LOI and the ireland team are only tenuously linked despite what you might wish.

21/10/2008, 3:39 PM
sorry lads. I think I may have to go against the grain here.

I sit in upper davin surrounded by a mix of people. young fellas, people my own age (early 30s), we even have a happy couple in there somewhere. We all stand up and join the chants, cheers, etc we've even started a few! but frankly I have no intention of standing for an entire game. And neither do most of the people around me or indeed going to LR/Croker. I'm afraid the LOI fans are simply in the minority.

I went to quite a few ucd games in my day but I wasn't in the 'cool kids' crowd singing behind the goal. I went, cheered, watched football and went home. simple as. I've also been to a great many club matches in scotland and the atmosphere varies from club to club from match to match. Some are 90 mile an hour - others are quite sedate. In fact I've rarely seen atmospheres like I've seen at derry/cork for example. (local derbies aside) I can assure you Falkirk V Dunfermline is quite low key.

I don't feel particulary self concsious and I didn't think the bulk of the people around me were either. They simply don't fancy jumping up and down like mad. It's just not like club football.

As for young fellas looking for attention, I'll happily add my voice to the clamour for them to be neutralised. I'd prefer not to hear about someone getting seriously hurt at an Irish international - which is the way it seems to be heading. Also not entirely sure about bringing very young kids to a football game but each to their own.

back on point. A larger, more concentrated LOI fans section would seem to be in order. I'm not saying you shouldn't sing but don't be sneering at other 'fake fans' who don't feel the urge to join in.

also a reality check - LOI fans don't have a greater moral right to dictate the nature of the atmosphere at ireland games. LOI and the ireland team are only tenuously linked despite what you might wish.

I'll just take a wild guess that you've never been at an Irish away game:p.

Football matches should be atmopheric. Why bother paying 50 or 70 quid to go to a match when you can enjoy that match equally at home on the tv if all you are doing is watching the match, barely supporting the team? By the way, I'm not having a go at anybody in particular here.

pineapple stu
21/10/2008, 3:43 PM
back on point. A larger, more concentrated LOI fans section would seem to be in order. I'm not saying you shouldn't sing but don't be sneering at other 'fake fans' who don't feel the urge to join in.
Problem is that that's what we have at the moment, except that clubs went off and gave tickets to everyone who wanted one. If we now leave the eL section to one side and set up a dedicated eL section, we're back at square one...

Obvious solution is to bring back terracing, so people who want to stand can, and people who want to sit can. Both annoy each other, both have valid points and this seems the easiest way. But our PC world won't allow it unfortunately.

22/10/2008, 10:32 PM
Being honest have seen no hassle at any games in Croker yet (although could not make Stans last game last year in 1-1 draw at home to cyprus)

But is it me our are we slowly starting to fickle into English type fans

Now before I see red faces let me explain

Im not saying this in hooligan way at all there is a few scumbags starting to go to games but as the tayto add says theres always one.

What I mean is that for instance we starting to boo our own players, we start to give them that sarcastic cheer when they are substituted if they did not play well

I especially noticed it the other night was that everytime an Irish player made a mistake they were chorus of moans etc ... noticed more then in past

some fans just dont seem to have patience and think this is getting onto the field.

I think the media are to blame too. Some the things some of them are coming out with is just utter bo*lox.

I mean should we not be getting behind the team.

I feel some of the fans are just waiting for something to go wrong and there on the feet shouting abuse and insults.

I think the enjoyment of the games seems to have lost a touch because of small things i admit but all combined it has a knock on effect

What ye think am I talking bull or do some ye agree?

23/10/2008, 7:53 AM
Being honest have seen no hassle at any games in Croker yet (although could not make Stans last game last year in 1-1 draw at home to cyprus)

But is it me our are we slowly starting to fickle into English type fans

Now before I see red faces let me explain

Im not saying this in hooligan way at all there is a few scumbags starting to go to games but as the tayto add says theres always one.

What I mean is that for instance we starting to boo our own players, we start to give them that sarcastic cheer when they are substituted if they did not play well

I especially noticed it the other night was that everytime an Irish player made a mistake they were chorus of moans etc ... noticed more then in past

some fans just dont seem to have patience and think this is getting onto the field.

I think the media are to blame too. Some the things some of them are coming out with is just utter bo*lox.

I mean should we not be getting behind the team.

I feel some of the fans are just waiting for something to go wrong and there on the feet shouting abuse and insults.

I think the enjoyment of the games seems to have lost a touch because of small things i admit but all combined it has a knock on effect

What ye think am I talking bull or do some ye agree?

agree. last wed at one stage we passed the ball back from the midfiled to the back 4 to retain possession and the crowd moaned. most people attending our home matches at the moment dont have a clue

23/10/2008, 9:25 AM
I'd agree on the sense of impatience in the crowd but I don't think there's been any booing (of our players/team) since Stan's last game against Cyprus and, whether you agree with it or not, that was done for a particular reason

23/10/2008, 12:48 PM
I'd agree on the sense of impatience in the crowd but I don't think there's been any booing (of our players/team) since Stan's last game against Cyprus and, whether you agree with it or not, that was done for a particular reason

I agree to extent that dont think its that noticable just notice few jeers (maybe more so then boos) at the players at times at still does not feel right too me.

Agree too on your second point even though I dont think myself it was right but was expected

Like my previous post I said that I never saw trouble fighting wise but plenty on this thred have

I suppose its really what you see with your own two eyes or hear is what you perceive.

Like for instance for the Wales game last year we were in Davin Lower and I taught the atmosphere was good enough whereby the people I knew who sat in the hogan or cusack taught it was pox.

23/10/2008, 8:20 PM
I'd agree on the sense of impatience in the crowd but I don't think there's been any booing (of our players/team) since Stan's last game against Cyprus and, whether you agree with it or not, that was done for a particular reason

Schumi, whatever about being boo'ed McGeddy most certainly was given the sarcastic cheering when Duff took the ball from him for a corner.

Agree with Hibernians post 100%.