View Full Version : cod 5 WAW

15/10/2008, 10:10 AM
Got a beta key for this this morning cant wait to get home and give it a bash sick to death of COD 4.

It looks impressive and its getting good reviews

15/10/2008, 11:37 AM
PC or Xbox?

15/10/2008, 12:28 PM

15/10/2008, 8:39 PM
I played it on my friends xBox, its CoD4 in WWII.

15/10/2008, 11:01 PM
You ll be glad to know its good as boo boy said cod 4 in ww2 graphics are slightly less imressive but still very good, once you get a few levels up and get your perks its good , You can get into tanks you have sticky bombs for destroying tanks, and whats brilliant is bit fly off guys when you kill them shot off 1 guys arm and had my 2 legs blown off by a grenade:D

looking foward to it for the co-op story mode id say that will be great fun.

I prefer the weapons in cod4 but there is still some good guns in this one

16/10/2008, 11:04 AM
Multiplayer aspects? Are the Single fire rifles back,Such as the Lee Enfield/Kar/Mossin?? I'd imagine its Cod:UO with updated graphics.