View Full Version : George's new contract ?

Counting Crow
09/10/2003, 8:57 PM
What is the deal with him signing a new contract......anyone got any updates.

Someone earlier lasst week saaid they had definate "inside" info that he was due to sign on Mondaay last!!!!!!

Why do people say such rubbish when it's obvious they have NO contacts within the Club and are just trying it on?

Cry Wolf.......!

10/10/2003, 11:16 AM
Well according to Spillage on the BRB last week, and he said he had actually talked to George, G O'C was thinking over the offer last weekend and he (Spillage) expected George to sign on Monday.
If this is true, only 1 of 2 things could have happened:
1. He did sign and it's not been announced yet.
2. He did not sign
If he did not sign:
Did he turn it down?
Are more negotiations ongoing?
Will the club improve their offer?

It's pretty worrying that nothing has been said, we just cannot afford to lose George. Not just from the football point of view, but the perception is out there then that we cannot hang on to our best players and will always have to settle for what we can get. This will be the worst thing and will drive people away from the gate.

If we lose George it will be a complete disaster, and it will mean that nothing has really changed at City.....:(

10/10/2003, 1:02 PM
Agree with you patsh.
I don't like the silence.
I'd prefer some sort of statement from GOC or the club.
The longer this drags on, the more likely it is that it'll have a depressing ending.

I think he may well be our most important player and we need to hang on to him if we're going to challenge for trophies next year.
If he goes, we're be stuck watching games like the season opener aginst Pats. Remember how awful a game that was?

10/10/2003, 2:06 PM
Originally posted by liamon
If he goes, we're be stuck watching games like the season opener aginst Pats. Remember how awful a game that was?

No we won't, we'll get on with it like we have always done.
No player is bigger than the club and much and all as I like George, if he chooses the Pale then he and only he must live with the consequences of that.

10/10/2003, 3:35 PM
Originally posted by razor
No we won't, we'll get on with it like we have always done.
No player is bigger than the club and much and all as I like George, if he chooses the Pale then he and only he must live with the consequences of that.

Oh yes we will.....
If he goes, We'll still score occassionally, but not half as often.
He's the creative force in that team and if you take him out, we struggle to make chances for JOF.
Without George, we will win games. We'll get on with it, as you put it, but it'll be back to struggling along again. When George is out injured/suspended, we're nowhere near as nice a football team to watch.

10/10/2003, 4:12 PM
Surely Georgie signing a new contract would have the club running straight to the media? Is only speculation though until we hear for def one way or the other.

13/10/2003, 7:45 PM
George has signed a contract on the pitch at half time in the Shels match. He's signed til 2005.

yur man
13/10/2003, 8:01 PM
was there ever any doubt ;)

bout time tho

13/10/2003, 9:34 PM
Oh ye of little faith !
Hope you were watching Counting Crow when Georgie signed as I told you he would !

Its a pity I didn't know where you sit / stand I'd could haved asked Georgie to sign the contract in front of you :p :p :p

14/10/2003, 9:21 AM
Its obvious George just wanted a bit of appreciation & that didn't want the club to take him for granted thinking he'd sign any contract.

14/10/2003, 11:29 AM
Although I don't think any player is bigger than the club, the players do have to survive on the contracts too!
Good news though.

14/10/2003, 2:32 PM
Real 'Dream Team' hype having George sign the contract on the pitch. But a nice up yours to Ollie Byrne.