View Full Version : Little Big Planet

08/10/2008, 2:56 PM
Little Big planet is out this month and looks like it will be great fun the best way to describe it I suppose is its your basic platformer ie you move your little man from left to right jumping over and swinging out of things. It comes with 60 premade levels but that’s just the start. from then on it will be user created levels ! anything you interact with will be saved in your bag and you can reuse it in making your own levels you can resize stuff spin it then stick it into the game to become completely interactive its not just rocks and cogs either you can put in cars, jet packs etc you can take pics and put them into the game as well as stickers. Its from 1 to 4 players either on the one console or online and because the levels have no one way of completing them you can use your other buddies to jump on things pull and drag stuff ( even you ).

Its looks good is totally new concept and a great sound track and anyone that has either played it or seen it been played has loved it.

Here is a good vid that shows it off nicely.


09/10/2008, 10:14 AM
the game does sound good, but will i need to be online with PS3 to actually getting any worth from the game ?

currently im not online with it

09/10/2008, 11:56 AM
the game does sound good, but will i need to be online with PS3 to actually getting any worth from the game ?

currently im not online with it

not sure you have 60 levels off line that you can play solo or with up to 4 buddies ( on the 1 ps3 ) and ye can create your own levels as well but you obviously wont be able to upload them or play other peoples levels , and from the beta testing the levels being made are ment to be impressive i missed out on a beta key so i havent played it yet myself.

What i do is import the games from here www.videogamesplus.ca they are normally 38 euro and 5 to post ( 43 in total ) PS3 games are region free ( bar silent hill US) so they will work here the only problem ive had is then trading in when im finished the only place ive found that will take the US games is smyths. i traded in Haze there last week with them and got 43 euro off my next game so Haze was basically free. :D

09/10/2008, 12:47 PM
aye heard about buying games oversea's before, was gona start doing that myself but gave up for some reason. ya should try


same idea, i think the games may be a little cheaper ?

09/10/2008, 12:51 PM
aye heard about buying games oversea's before, was gona start doing that myself but gave up for some reason. ya should try


same idea, i think the games may be a little cheaper ?

Think Link sang got closed down by sony for selling jap PSP to the UK so asian sites dont really send sony stuff to us any more

09/10/2008, 1:23 PM
I've played the beta for LBP, its ok, not a game you'll wanna play everytime you go on your PS3 but its worth buying

currently im not online with it

:eek:....gaming is nothing without online

09/10/2008, 2:05 PM
I've played the beta for LBP, its ok, not a game you'll wanna play everytime you go on your PS3 but its worth buying

:eek:....gaming is nothing without online

Yea i cant see myself spending hours on it unless i get into building levels in a big way , but it does look like a laugh and something new im getting a little fed up of first person shooters

11/10/2008, 10:15 AM
okay so i think i may have solved my online prob. buying a bt home hub from ebay, which should get me going wireless again at home, should be a matter of just connecting it downstairs, instead of the cable connection and it'll work........ hopefully

so im looking forward to LBP now !

20/10/2008, 11:21 AM
This game has been delayed after it turned out 1 of the songs on the backing track contains 2 lines in somalian from the Quran or how ever you spell it, and that is apparently very offensive for words in the Quran to be put to music :rolleyes: and Musilums would find it offensive.

A release date patch had been made but because some people wouldnt get that on line the games have been called back and are all going to be reprinted with out the song included. should be out here now week Nov 3-7 its next week in the US so im hoping to have it a little eariler.