View Full Version : Private Pilot Licence

07/10/2008, 9:10 PM
Not sure if anyone has one on here, but i'd be intrigued to find out.

When I grow up I've said I always wanted to have one, but didn't know the best way of going about getting one. A mate in college spent a good bit of money, finished his degree whilst at the same time acquired one, I know there is a minimum amount of hours etc, but how exactly do you go about getting one, and are there different categories? Basically I want to know everything, as I have a voucher and I think it could be the kickstart I need.

08/10/2008, 8:24 AM
I'm sure I entitled this PPL?

08/10/2008, 9:15 AM
My manager in work actually took up flying cause he was scared of flying!
I can ask him when he is around depending on his mood!!!
A couple of my mates did it. One did it weekends and days off and then quit work and flys for ryanair now. The other did it in the states. Maybe join a flying club(probably be one where you are getting your lessons). Then just try get as many hours as possible. Very expensive hobby. Best of luck with it..

08/10/2008, 9:22 AM
Thanks bill. ya i know its expensive, and to be honest i think i would want it more than just a hobby with the chance of side-earners. My mate also did it in the states and paid about 10k dollars at the time(5 years ago) to complete it. I say mate but i haven't seen him in years so cant really be considered a mate :D Thing is the cheaper it is, i think that means you cant do it for your own reward or hire yerself i.e. you can only do it as a hobby. So i dont want to start doing it and then 2 years down the line realise the money spent is pretty pointless. I also like the idea of having something that not too many people have, but I always wanted to be able to fly since I was a kid. Helicopter is probably more up my street but unfortunately costs a lot more.

08/10/2008, 9:52 AM
ya should do it if its something ya wanna do....me I hate flying...I flew all around the world no bother and then had a sh*t flight to scotland and have hated flyin ever since. And Scotland for that matter. (am talking as passenger btw)

08/10/2008, 11:18 AM
the strange thing is bill, may I call you bill?:D, is the smaller planes actually are better in sh1t weather etc.

08/10/2008, 11:46 AM
eh ..aussie...
no the plane pulled up when it was coming into land and there was a good 15 mins before they announced what was happening. Something to do with a plane still on the runway which apparently is common enough. Something you dont realise till the "breaks" are applied is that planes are coming in extremely fast on approach to landing. was horrible experience anyways. I know its totally irrational but I get total stresso when flying. I try keep trips abroad to a minimum now. Manager was saying biggest days for accidents in the small planes is sunny days. The glare causes a lot of problems apparently.

A face
08/10/2008, 1:06 PM
Did a helicopter lesson recently and its a seriously expensive hobby. If you had half a million to throw away you'd nearly miss it. Very little work on it, the oil rigs being the most profitable.

I think flying would be in the same ball park, do not take it up unless you have the money to throw away, and by that i mean be prepared to not make any money at it and pay hand over fist.

08/10/2008, 1:20 PM
A Face interesting. I know it costs about £12k to get the helicopter licence. To be honest if interest rates go down and I can get a decent rate on my remortaging, I can probably afford the PPL, but I always had the belief that there werent that many actual pilots out there and surely for those who pursue it just as a hobby oppossed to those who may actually try and make money out of it or at least money to pay for keeping up the hours there would be a relatively sized market. What makes you come to your assumption above in the second line? Mine is purely one without any actual evidence to suggest it, so to assume could be making an ass out of u and me. :D

08/10/2008, 1:31 PM
My mate also did it in the states and paid about 10k dollars at the time(5 years ago) to complete it. I say mate but i haven't seen him in years so cant really be considered a mate :D
Is he still alive?:D
Just tempting fate for ye.