View Full Version : Retro forum

Pauro 76
01/10/2008, 1:20 PM
Just testing the waters here. But anyone up for a Retro or Old School Forum? All sorts of stuff can go in here. Old arcade games/home computers, TV adverts, classic TV shows/sketches, classic TV kids shows, discussions of the old days, discussions of school days, that kind of thing. With me as mod. Anyone up for it? :)

01/10/2008, 1:51 PM
Sounds like an idea for a good thread rather than a forum, but that's just my opinion.

01/10/2008, 4:11 PM
Agreed. I don't think it warrants a whole forum. I've seen the one on boards but I guess they have forums for everything and anything and I don't think it's needed here. Feel free to start a thread though. Are you just trying to make yourself more important again Pauro?!.

Pauro 76
02/10/2008, 6:31 AM
Agreed. I don't think it warrants a whole forum. I've seen the one on boards but I guess they have forums for everything and anything and I don't think it's needed here. Feel free to start a thread though. Are you just trying to make yourself more important again Pauro?!.

Again? ;-)

just thought it'd be a good idea. On a retro buzz, but someone very kindly bumped the Nostalgia thread. Ah well....

03/10/2008, 12:30 PM
Yes, this touting for mod-hood is getting out of hand. First jebus, now you Pauro!
If I was a mod the first thing I'd do is stamp this kind of thing out! :D

(ps - a thread on nostalgia is plenty. There'd be too much crossover with a forum, as we already have forums for music, TV and tech stuff)

04/10/2008, 10:09 AM
Oz, Oz and more Oz then. And maybe some Bubble Bobble.