View Full Version : Irischer Fussball - the german magazin to irish soccer!

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01/10/2008, 3:56 PM
Hi Lads,

the forum http://irischer-fussball.foren-city.de/ has now also a english corner for you. If you visit my site you can use this part of the forum. There is also a thread it's called "german < - > english: help / translation". So if you have a question to the german language you can ask there for help! :)

By the way: Thank you all for your great support. I'm so happy and now once more new motivated to produce the magazin - and make it in english for you!

02/10/2008, 11:01 AM
It's made the national news, on the Independent website today:

Anyone knows if the article was only on internetsite of the Independent or if it was also released in the print edition?

02/10/2008, 12:47 PM
Any chance we could compile a list of German players in the LoI? I can't think of many. In fact, I can't think of any except the guy from the DDR who played for Shels and Uwe Seeler's cameo.

02/10/2008, 12:53 PM
Anyone knows if the article was only on internetsite of the Independent or if it was also released in the print edition?

It was in the print edition and the web edition. Its a "light hearted" column published once a week and featured in the sports pages.

02/10/2008, 1:08 PM
It was in the print edition and the web edition. Its a "light hearted" column published once a week and featured in the sports pages.

Oh great! Is it possible to get the print edition or at least a scanned copy of the edition via email?

14/11/2008, 3:21 PM
Being german myself I would like to find out how you guys came up with this?

It definately is well done. ...... keep the good work up :-)

14/11/2008, 11:39 PM
Surprised MNS hasn't gone with this for a wee feature.Nice story amonst the chaos.Hopefully they will get around to it.

01/03/2013, 4:19 PM
You might like to also know about this which has come to my attention.
These people are more into the LOI than I've ever managed. Fair play.

Fußball in Irland - Das Deutsche Forum zum Irischen Fußball.


01/03/2013, 5:32 PM
How do you say "most random thing ever" in German?

01/03/2013, 8:22 PM
Ask them on their Fbk page?

05/03/2013, 6:40 PM
Thanks @ArdeeBhoy. Nice to hear you like it.

Since I started all this stuff quite a few years ago now things have changed a bit but there are definitely people in Germany who are interested in LOI football, and it's getting more and more actually. Over the past two years I had many people over here and brought them along for games and they all really enjoyed the pure football atmosphere, so many even come back again.

You may want to check out my blog as well. You'll find there regular updates about the league and related LOI stuff. Have produced the annual League of Ireland Guide for the new season again this year and it's up on the site now:

http://irischer-fussball.blogspot.ie/ (http://irischer-fussball.blogspot.ie/)

11/03/2013, 11:48 AM
I have written an article about Joseph Ndo, its featuring prominently on 11freunde.de at the moment, the website of the one biggest German football magazines. If you're interested to read it (should work with translate button if you'r not fluent in German I suppose) you can find it here:

