View Full Version : Roy Keane the new Keegan

25/09/2008, 9:25 AM
Is Roy Keane going to be like Kevin Keegan and quit when a few things go wrong or he does not get his own way(he has form)
Some Sunderland fans gave him a bit of stick the other night when his team were performing abysmally and he threatens that he will resign.He has said before that if he does not get everything his way then he will quit.
How stable can a club be if everyone has to be walking on eggshells in case they upset Roy and he jumps ship.
Yes he is right the abuse should not be too vitriolic and personal but is Roy capable of understanding in these troubled financial times that the people that pay his wages are entitled to moan if his team are not trying.
I do not see Roy Keane being able to take the kind of stick a manager has to take if the going gets tough at Sunderland.
If Alex Ferguson was this thin skinned he would not have survived his first years at Man Utd as a lot of fans wanted him out and were not backward in letting him know it.Yesterdays villain todays hero.

25/09/2008, 9:50 AM

Sligo Hornet
25/09/2008, 10:09 AM
Hardly the "new Keegan".......he's the original Roy Keane.....he has a history (if you remember) of speaking his honest thoughts without worrying about how they will be received.

25/09/2008, 10:24 AM
Hardly the "new Keegan".......he's the original Roy Keane.....he has a history (if you remember) of speaking his honest thoughts without worrying about how they will be received.

Never heard this. any examples?

25/09/2008, 4:01 PM
A joke from Roy Keane.

To a fellow international (Jason McAteer I think)

"You just go with the stream,....d'know what else goes with the stream?
Dead fish."

Apparently McAteer just looked at him and thought sarcastically 'God has spoken'.

25/09/2008, 8:56 PM
McAteer had a column in the Indo at the time of the World Cup, and he mentioned Keane saying that to him. McAteer said that he thought that Keane thinks he's Ferguson at times.

26/09/2008, 3:33 PM
Is Roy Keane going to be like Kevin Keegan and quit when a few things go wrong or he does not get his own way(he has form)
Some Sunderland fans gave him a bit of stick the other night when his team were performing abysmally and he threatens that he will resign.He has said before that if he does not get everything his way then he will quit.
How stable can a club be if everyone has to be walking on eggshells in case they upset Roy and he jumps ship.
Yes he is right the abuse should not be too vitriolic and personal but is Roy capable of understanding in these troubled financial times that the people that pay his wages are entitled to moan if his team are not trying.
I do not see Roy Keane being able to take the kind of stick a manager has to take if the going gets tough at Sunderland.
If Alex Ferguson was this thin skinned he would not have survived his first years at Man Utd as a lot of fans wanted him out and were not backward in letting him know it.Yesterdays villain todays hero.

Same old crap. He never threatened to resign. He just stated that the sort of abuse thrown at him personally would not be accepted. I don't see where he threatened to resign.

26/09/2008, 4:11 PM
Hardly the "new Keegan".......he's the original Roy Keane.....he has a history (if you remember) of speaking his honest thoughts without worrying about how they will be received.
But out of a crowd of 5,000, if 4,999 applaud, then one fécker stands up and says what a load of rubbish, that's the one Keane will hear and remember with spite.

03/10/2008, 10:40 AM
Never heard this. any examples?

C'mon Dodge you know full well that Keane has always spoke his mind. Loved the one recently where he was calling Jack Warner, the FIFA Vice President "a clown". Any normal Chairman would have been having a stroke at that one :D

03/10/2008, 11:07 AM
A joke from Roy Keane.

To a fellow international (Jason McAteer I think)

"You just go with the stream,....d'know what else goes with the stream?
Dead fish."

Apparently McAteer just looked at him and thought sarcastically 'God has spoken'.

is that true? :D bet McAteer **** himself!!!

04/10/2008, 12:59 AM
McAteer had a column in the Indo at the time of the World Cup, and he mentioned Keane saying that to him. McAteer said that he thought that Keane thinks he's Ferguson at times.

is that true?....

Well it's as it was reported. I probably read it in the column tetsujin1979 mentioned.

If I can amend 'stream' for 'flow' it may be more accurate.

25/10/2008, 8:56 AM
it has to be asked how the "fans" would feel if Roy Keane paid to turn up to the so-called fans place of work and abused them if he thought they were doing a bad job. Having an opinion is one thing but abusing someone is not acceptable - its a game after all

25/10/2008, 9:28 AM
its a game after all

No, its not

26/10/2008, 6:45 PM
Heliodorus - i'll think you'll find it is!!

31/10/2008, 1:12 AM
is that true? :D bet McAteer **** himself!!!
I doubt McAteer shat himself, I remember how Keane was screaming like a loon at McAteer and McAteer just coolly made the "go write it in your book" gesture

back of the net
31/10/2008, 11:09 AM
I doubt McAteer shat himself, I remember how Keane was screaming like a loon at McAteer and McAteer just coolly made the "go write it in your book" gesture

i remember that diary(s) mcateer had in the sunday indo alright after the wc2002 -- i can always remember mcateer saying in it that he felt "relieved" when he scored the goal in lansdowne against the dutch and in the dressing room after - cant remember exact quote but basically was saying that roy passed him in the dressing room and basically gave him a look that implied "well done" and mcateer writing about how relieved he was that keane had acknowledged what he had done on the field

i thought the "go write it in ur book" gesture was classic

31/10/2008, 12:44 PM
Heliodorus - i'll think you'll find it is!!

Unfortunately its become more a business and a cess pit than a sport. Look at Milan taking Beckham on loan. Why are they doing that? Simply to sell more merchandise.

31/10/2008, 1:06 PM
it has to be asked how the "fans" would feel if Roy Keane paid to turn up to the so-called fans place of work and abused them if he thought they were doing a bad job. Having an opinion is one thing but abusing someone is not acceptable - its a game after all

is it a game, or a place of work?

01/11/2008, 6:54 AM
is it a game, or a place of work?

Do you normally get abused at your place of work?? If you are doing a bad job you get fired not abused