View Full Version : Mona Lisa Curse

24/09/2008, 9:21 AM
Anyone watch this?
Was very interesting. Great interview in it with the guy who owns about 800 Andy Warhol paintings which was possibly 2 minutes of the finest TV you will see.
Read about here..

Watch it again here...


25/09/2008, 4:58 AM
Tx Bill, watched that. Was wondering what it had to do with Mona Lisa.
jesus Hughes was excellent, but to be honest some of the art he was praising was sh ite too, but he made his point very well, and his interview in the end was brilliant.

Modern art is def a load of old w ank, and it looks like there are a lot of old fools with a lot of money to waste.its all very immoral to be spending so much for rubbish when there is so much poverty in the world, but that question wasn't really asked.

Maybe we should all be doing modern art. I def can get my hands on some cows, might struggle with a shark though!

25/09/2008, 8:52 AM
I just loved Hughes. complete oul codger. Brilliant line abou the mona lisa - people came to say they saw it rather than to see it. I did the same thing myself in the Louvre. My uncles an artist and hes a bit off the wall(one of his pieces is a glass cube with a dictionary shredded in it and its called "the complete works of Leonard Cohen":)) but he can paint as well as anyone. some of the stuff by Hirst et al was atrocious tho alrite. I think More4 have some great documentaries.