View Full Version : Anyone familiar with Robocopy?

A face
23/09/2008, 9:27 AM
Anyone familiar with Robocopy?

Getting tihs error from a batch file ...

ERROR : You do not have the Manage Auditing user right.
***** You need this to copy auditing information (/COPY:U or /COPYALL).

Simple Usage :: ROBOCOPY source destination /MIR

source :: Source Directory (drive:\path or \\server\share\path).
destination :: Destination Dir (drive:\path or \\server\share\path).
/MIR :: Mirror a complete directory tree.

For more usage information run ROBOCOPY /? or read Robocopy.Doc.

NOTE: Read "True Replication" in Robocopy.Doc prior to first use of /MIR !
**** /MIR can DELETE files as well as copy them !

Battery Rover
23/09/2008, 9:53 AM
Reading that it seems that it is an issue with user rights that come with you log in server side.

A face
23/09/2008, 10:29 PM
Reading that it seems that it is an issue with user rights that come with you log in server side.

I gave the network account local admin rights and I changed /COPYALL to /COPY: DATSOU with U being the auditing logs. It copies the folder structure but getting 'access denied' for the files. I'm thinking its something up with the account.

Battery Rover
23/09/2008, 10:44 PM
Its been quite a few years since I did anything like this but something as simple as the user not being a local administrator of their own computer if it is not a domain controller could cause that message.

Does it work with an account that has full administrative rights?

Maybe there is a deny rights for this user account that may be stopping the higher rights level from working.

Also it could be that the folder has certain settings but the files within may have deny rights for that account.

What o/s are you running?

A face
24/09/2008, 4:29 PM
Its been quite a few years since I did anything like this but something as simple as the user not being a local administrator of their own computer if it is not a domain controller could cause that message.

Does it work with an account that has full administrative rights?

I tried it with my admin account and got "A required privilege is not held by the client."

Maybe there is a deny rights for this user account that may be stopping the higher rights level from working.

Also it could be that the folder has certain settings but the files within may have deny rights for that account.

I have given full control on either end but i tihnk i know whats wrong now. The ACLs on the folders might be the issue, basically the destination folder inherits the permissions from the parent, and i add in what i need and grant it full access but i dont think it likes inherited permissions so i have taken that off and will try it again in the morning (its on the other side of the site and i aint walking over now :p

What o/s are you running?

Its Win XP

A face
26/09/2008, 5:23 PM
Just an update on this. I have given the user ownership on the source and destination folders, with permissions granted directly (not inherited) but still that same issue. I think its something with the account and its user groups etc.

And to confirm, the script works perfectly, its solely a permissions/access issue now.