View Full Version : NTL/Eircom/Sky

29/09/2003, 1:45 PM
just looking for a bit of advice...moving to Dublin soon (choking back tears) and need to set up the usual phone, tv, internet connections.

any advice/experience of who puts the best offers and packages together, i've been ringing around but am none the wiser (although i'm leaning towards getting the lot from NTL...would this be a mistake?).......

29/09/2003, 3:42 PM
Broadband or dialup?


30/09/2003, 1:43 PM
depends on the price/package for broadband, but i'd only really need dial-up so it'll more than likely be the latter.

30/09/2003, 2:15 PM
UTV do a very good deal on FRIACO. €24.50 a month for 180 hours online at any time, plus cheaper phone calls.

01/10/2003, 10:40 PM
I heard Eircom are giving broadband out for free,they install it for free too,its costs 30 something euro a month but thats is the best you'll get.It cost me 400 euro and now its free:mad: :mad:

01/10/2003, 11:08 PM
Get Sky, get Sky, GET SKY.

Even with a smaller package you'll get far more badger for your buck than you would with ntl (or Chorus or whoever).

02/10/2003, 8:05 AM
Apparently NTL are quite good value on telephony and Internet, so if you're looking for an all-in-one bundle, they're probably the way you want to go. Personally I tend to avoid supporting Irish companies in these market spaces though, as they've been gouging us for years. Given a choice, I'd sign up for Sky for TV and UTV for telephony and Internet.

BohsLhad, I take your point but it's not "free" by any manner of means, in fact it's still the most expensive DSL package available. See here (http://boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=117920) and here (http://boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=117291) for just two discussions on the gougers.
