View Full Version : Montenegro V Republic of Ireland - Wednesday, 10th September 2008 - World Cup 2010 Q

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10/09/2008, 7:46 PM
Lets somehow hope Montenegro finish bottom, because we would be down 2 points seeing as the last team doesn't count when ranking the best 8 runner ups...and Scotland are winning 2-0 so lets hope iceland finish bottom of that group.

They were more dangerous in attacking areas, but we enjoyed more possession and honestly at no point was I concerned.

10/09/2008, 7:46 PM
Andy Reid is a winger. Left Wing is his primary position.Holy God.

Brendan 82
10/09/2008, 7:47 PM
Andy Reid was able to play left wing when he was 19. Then he erm...developed

centre mid
10/09/2008, 7:47 PM
An acceptable result tonight I think, we could have won it no doubt and deserved a enalty. Would have liked to see Andy Reid at some stage but understand Traps decision not to play him. Montenegro will be licking thier wounds after two home games and only two points, I think they will cause other teams in this group problems.

There is a marked improvement in this Ireland side and it simply down to organisation, there is more or less no change in personel so you have to put it down to organisation. Stephen Reid, although subjuded by injury tonight has put in two really top drawer performances. Glenn Wheland, if he doesnt start for Stoke on sunday then he never will, he has grown 6 inches in the last week, I only hope its not like Paul McShane (great start then some terrible performances).

All in all there are far more positives than negatives.

10/09/2008, 7:48 PM
Reid is a winger and the reason I would have brought him on is that Steven Hunt was clearly knackered and because the game was there to be won Andy Reid was the man to win it for us. Hunts delivery from set pieces especially was bad all game and Reid would have been an improvement and the man to deliver a pin point ball to Doyle’s head or Keanes feet.I'd agree that Reid can play wide midfield to good effect but surely you can see the distinction between a wide midfielder and a winger?

10/09/2008, 7:50 PM
I'd agree that Reid can play wide midfield to good effect but surely you can see the distinction between a wide midfielder and a winger?

yeah, i agree my mistake but i still think if he was brought into this position for the last ten minutes or so we could have won the game. Just an opinion.

10/09/2008, 7:52 PM
I think Montenegro aren't being given enough credit here, I felt that they were narrowly the better side and certainly the more inventive and penetrative one, especially in the first 10 minutes where I thought they thoroughly dominated us.

Though it's no bad thing, we drew away from home against a competent side.I agree that the first 10 mins was a bit hairy but I thought we utterly dominated the second half and at least matched them for most of the first. I think teams fron that part of europe generally play better (purer?) football than we do but bar some speculative wild shots and a deflection very well saved by Shay I was never concerned. Did we threaten much? Not really but we were the away team and my first post post-match describes why I think we didn't threaten enough.

Maroon 7
10/09/2008, 7:56 PM
We didn't create much apart from Keane's turn and shot and McGeady's chance but their best effort came from a huge deflection. Apart from they they were restricted to shooting from long range. And we should have had a penalty.

Overall a fair result.

10/09/2008, 7:57 PM
That's where he played for Forest, Spurs and half his time and Charlton. He's been adapted to play in the centre since then sure but there's a reason why Left wing is his position of choice.Again, I draw attention to a wide midfield versus a winger's position. For example I think Beckham typifies wide midfielder - Liam Lawrence even. Can Reid play wide? Absolutely, but without the mobility that a second rate winger like Hunt has.

At Charlton he played mostly central mid and that's where he has impressed most at Sunderland. He's shown me enough for me to be comfortable either side for Ireland and given how well Reid & Whelan seem to play I'd be hesitant to change central midfield.

I'm only picking on your assertion that he's a left winger.

centre mid
10/09/2008, 7:58 PM
Andy Reid isnt a winger, he is a central midfielder with a left foot, could you see him and Duffer in the same light?

10/09/2008, 8:01 PM
This is going against public opinion but I was dissapointed in that result.

10/09/2008, 8:05 PM
Disappointed with the result, but not the performance. Should have had a penalty. Although, I'll take the four points from the two away games.

10/09/2008, 8:07 PM
Yeah I think everyone feels they were there for the taking, but we stepped it up from Georgia and look to be improving all the time. Its simple, at this time it looks like the Bulgaria matches will be huge.

The Fly
10/09/2008, 8:09 PM
Another step in the progression of the side. Pleased with with the two matches and looking forward with optimism to the rest of the campaign. We have shape and and a sense of purpose.
The difference in O'Shea is remarkable.
The back 4 played well as a unit.
Have been very impressed by Whelan.
Thank God Steven Reid is back.
McGeady played well for me and showed more improvement. I Hope Trap plays him centrally in the future! There has been unjust criticism of his play in this match by some on here.
Hunt is an impact sub - nothing more, nothing less.
Doyle doesn't have the pace to be an effective foil for Keane.
I wish Given would leave Newcastle - his ability deserves a bigger stage.

Nothing else apart from having a huge desire to give the Montenegran no.8 a slap!

10/09/2008, 8:09 PM
Happy with that.

O'Shea and Dunne were bloody excellent. O'Shea proving me very wrong.

Reid was class again for the first hour. Controlled the game when we had the ball. Off the ball though he wasn't great. His passing was great.
Whelan complimented Reid well. He looks really good in this team.

Big improvement from McGeady imo. He misplaced 1 pass which is a lot less than Saturday. I thought his set pieces were excellent too and his crossing was very good. Just outmuscled a lot but won freekicks for most of those.

Doyle was class. I can't believe he wasn't bought in the summer. And Keane very good.

Overall though the team performed like any top team would have away from home, just lacked the creativity that Duff and A.Reid might have brought. Man of the match - Whelan with O'Shea, Dunne and Doyle next best.

Our next 3 games are easier than this on paper.

10/09/2008, 8:12 PM
Happy with that.

O'Shea and Dunne were bloody excellent. O'Shea proving me very wrong.

Reid was class again for the first hour. Controlled the game when we had the ball. Off the ball though he wasn't great. His passing was great.
Whelan complimented Reid well. He looks really good in this team.

Big improvement from McGeady imo. He misplaced 1 pass which is a lot less than Saturday. I thought his set pieces were excellent too and his crossing was very good. Just outmuscled a lot but won freekicks for most of those.

Doyle was class. I can't believe he wasn't bought in the summer. And Keane very good.

Overall though the team performed like any top team would have away from home, just lacked the creativity that Duff and A.Reid might have brought.
What part of him was very good??His one shot??Or was it when he went into hiding??

Inside Man
10/09/2008, 8:16 PM
Poor result. Game we should have won.
Went in with wrong mentality.
If we had to gone in to that game with a winning attitude we would have won. All this bull**** saying Mons are good was bull. Gave them too much respect.

Stephen Hunt was DISGUSTING to say the least. He broke down every Irish attack by losing it or turning back to Kilbane and the two centre halfs even when counter attacks were on.

10/09/2008, 8:34 PM
O'Shea, Whelan, Kilbane and Reid were brilliant IMO

McGeady with another sh*t game. Hunt poor too but I'd still have him ahead of McGeady when Duff returns

10/09/2008, 8:37 PM
I'm quite pleased with a point from this game. The defence was very solid whilst in midfield Reid and Whelan were composed and disciplined. Montenegro won't be bottom seeds for much longer and plenty of sides will find it very difficult to win there.

We are making progress and that's encouraging from the dark days of Staunton's time in charge of the side.

10/09/2008, 8:49 PM
McGeady with another sh*t game.
I bet Trap was very happy with McGeady tonight. I'm sure of that. Bar his finish when clean through. :o Anyway, if McGeady was motm you wouldn't have mention him so I won't get into a big debate. :)

10/09/2008, 8:51 PM
I bet Trap was very happy with McGeady tonight. I'm sure of that. Bar his finish when clean through. :o Anyway, if McGeady was motm you wouldn't have posted so I won't get into a big debate. :)

I actually posted the one time he had a great game commenting about how good he was and hopefully it was a sign of whats to come. Unfortunately it hasn't happened

Noelys Guitar
10/09/2008, 8:53 PM
I'm quite pleased with a point from this game. The defence was very solid whilst in midfield Reid and Whelan were composed and disciplined. Montenegro won't be bottom seeds for much longer and plenty of sides will find it very difficult to win there.

We are making progress and that's encouraging from the dark days of Staunton's time in charge of the side.

I just watched the Italian game and I can see them having problems when they play in Montenegro. The Italian back 4 even with Canavaro look a bit slow after the first two games of this campaign.

10/09/2008, 8:55 PM
Post match interview from Off The Ball with Steven Reid, Steve Finnan and Shay Given: http://media.putfile.com/Post-game-interview-with-Steven-Reid-Shay-Given-and-Steve-Finnan

10/09/2008, 9:03 PM
If only McGeady could have finished like Walcott did for his first two goals....

that goal would have been good had we got it.

Maroon 7
10/09/2008, 9:03 PM
O'Shea, Whelan, Kilbane and Reid were brilliant IMO

McGeady with another sh*t game. Hunt poor too but I'd still have him ahead of McGeady when Duff returns

The only position that is under threat in that midfield is Hunt's I'd imagine.

If he ever manages to stay fit Duff and McGeady will be the wingers. Andy Reid who knows but I think it's clear that Trap doesn't really see a place for him at the moment.

Fergie's Son
10/09/2008, 9:05 PM
That's where he played for Forest, Spurs and half his time and Charlton. He's been adapted to play in the centre since then sure but there's a reason why Left wing is his position of choice.

Actually every interview I've read he's said that he prefers the middle of the pitch.

10/09/2008, 9:08 PM
I'd bet on Andy Reid playing against Cyprus from the start.

10/09/2008, 9:17 PM
I'd bet on Andy Reid playing against Cyprus from the start.
In place of who though? Duff will come in to replace Hunt. I can't see him dropping either of the central midfielders, while if he was going to drop a striker for him he'd have done so already.

10/09/2008, 9:23 PM
Don't know honestly, just a hunch. Even more wishful thinking on my part would be to see Sean Scannell given a chance up front(not starting obviously)

10/09/2008, 9:28 PM
A very solid performance but a game we should have won. Then again I thought we had lost it when that Montenegran turned Reid and shot from distance.......

McGeady and Hunt frustrate the life out of me. Duff needs to be in a green shirt asap. McGeady needs to watch Walcott's goals tonight on DVD. Why the **** would you try and beat the keeper that side? Defence was solid and the two central MF players were very good again.

Given - 8. Two vital saves meant we haven't got muppets on here wanting the Trap to be sacked and replaced with El Tel.

Finnan - 7. Mr steady.
Kilbane - 7. Bar the slip he was useful in the air and covered for O'Shea and Dunne when needed.
O'Shea - 8. One of his best performances in an Irish shirt. Vital block and this new found aggression needs to remain.
Dunne - 7. Good performance.

Hunt - 6. Tracked back and worked hard but end product was a disaster.
McGeady - 6. Another below par performance. Tracked back like Hunt but missed the best chance of the match. I know the Celtic fans love him but he just isn't delivering.
Whelan - 7.5. Growing into the role of an international midfield player.
S Reid - 7.5. Some lovely first touches. Works well with Whelan.

Doyle - 6.5. Tried hard but didn't see much of the ball
Keane - 6.5. See above but did nearly conjure a beautiful goal out of nothing. These two needed more support from the wingers.

10/09/2008, 9:32 PM
Have to say I was disappointed to a degree with the result tonight, we should have made changes, it was crazy keeping S Reid who was completly knackered and carrying a knock on for 90 minutes, S Hunt works like a dog and has to be admired but he offers nothing going forward and his free kick were brutal, Mc Geady again dissapointed me, why not bring on Andy Reid and D Murphy on the right, better delivery on free kicks and a bit more height in the box from free kicks compared to S Hunt. Trap is a stubburn whore

10/09/2008, 9:32 PM
McGeady is miles ahead of Hunt. He has much better control, delivery, and has been winning us more frees than anyone. Every defender tries to muscle him off the ball or trip him up. He's far more productive with his possession.

Tonight was a real lost opportunity.. and there's not a big margin for error in this group. It wasn't one clear cut penalty.. it was TWO (Kilbane's goal-bound corner header right off the hand of a defender who's arm was level with the top of his dipping head, right in front of the 6-yard box).

If you ask me, we gave them about as much credit as if Spain were wearing the red jerseys. Our defense is becoming much more cohesive.. but offensively, we look clueless. I just watched some of the Italy/Georgia match (in Italy, mind you).. and Georgia looked far more purposeful and direct on the ball (certainly a few gears up from Saturday).

All things considered.. the group is wide open.. and we can be in the reckoning for first if we'd only link up better in attack.

10/09/2008, 9:40 PM
agree with vast majority of comments here.
For the Cyprus game A Reid must at last be given 30 mins.
Hunt and McGeady were both poor tonight (Hunt worse, headless chicken, impact sub is all he is, McGeady flatters to decieve but although loved by Celtic fans is not cutting the mustard).
But I think the team is starting to believe they can win every time.
Defense is very strong. Offense will take a little linger but massive improvement in a short time
Cyprus are improving and will be a good game next month. Would take 1-0 now. we should win it though. Revenge is a great motivator

10/09/2008, 9:43 PM
McGeady was a good 6.5/7 tonight. I don't understand people on here. His problem is he makes runs at sometimes stupid times..... but he was good tonight.

10/09/2008, 9:54 PM
I mean...He's the type of player to be brought on in the last 20 minutes to relive a bit of pressure...;)

Haha, ah I know what you mean and I agree. IMO if he gave the ball away that much against the Italians we would be destroyed.

10/09/2008, 10:02 PM
One thing I've noticed about Hunt is he doesn't have the ability to run with the ball and look around. That's a major problem. Fair enough you're going to have your head down when you're taking on an opponent but if Hunt is running with the ball and nobody around him he'll still probably have his head down.

McGeady wasn't bad tonight. There was 3 or 4 times when he was away from his opponent and they had to foul him. If he wasn't fouled those 3 or 4 times it could have turned an ok performance into a very good performance. I thought most would have thought he did well.

10/09/2008, 10:09 PM
I felt sorry for him when he missed. I think Robbie Keane should have run over to him to tell him unlucky.

10/09/2008, 10:13 PM
i must have been watching a different match to everyone else, in fact everyone with me must have been. whelan hit the ball backwards (mostly) or sideways. Fair enough if you want to just play for a bore draw. Dunphy and giles said montenegro are poor and not near as good as they thought at half time, said Ireland should be able put them away and get the win. At full time they said Ireland were class and they made them look poor. Totally different analysis from both halves and made me beleive neither of them actually have a clue. Whelan was not man of the match, that time reid got up off the ground real slow, he was never the same, his passes werent even as good after that. His passing was still far better than anyone else. No one else spread the ball across the field like he did, which he also did on saturday. Not even mcgeady did. Hunt just ran and gave the ball away loads of time, more than he won it. Keane played really well, he ran his socks off, never getting the ball anywhere so had to come really deep. Doyle did decent. Oshea did very well in fairness, finnan was never attacking and was mediocre. Kilbane was decent apart from a few mistakes, dunne very good. Given very good. MCgeady was definitely better than usual. But whelan played the carsley game and none of us could understand, everytime we got the ball under pressure he blasted it forward, everytime we got the ball with space or a chance of counter attacking he slowed it down and passed it backwards or sideways, thats fine if you want to hold onto a lead or want to come 3rd in a group or just about scrape second if the 2nd seeded team are crap, but it is not good enough if we want to win. Montenegro will fissle out at the end of this and we will be the ones to suffer.

10/09/2008, 10:13 PM
The one thing i think we lacked tonight was a bit of pace up front. The only one along the front 4 who has that extra yard is Mcgeady which leaves Keane relying on him to make a run when he drops short. but that is a system which can be successful, as Rooney and Ronaldo showed last season for Man U.

If we had a striker of the likes of Walcott, Agbonlahor or Defoe i think we would have won easily tonight

10/09/2008, 10:15 PM
But Bulgaria is our challenger, on paper anyway. I hope Montenegro fizzle out and finish bottom of the group, so we(hopefully) get 2 extra points in the end of this qualification.(bottom team result doesn't count)

10/09/2008, 10:19 PM
would ye stop going on about walcott, one good game, he'll be the messiah and england to lift the world cup tomorrow over here. He finished well for his second goal in fairness, but all he has is pace, he is no henry.

10/09/2008, 10:25 PM
But whelan played the carsley game and none of us could understand, everytime we got the ball under pressure he blasted it forward, everytime we got the ball with space or a chance of counter attacking he slowed it down and passed it backwards or sideways,
I can't agree with that. Carsley can slow a game down by taking too long to release a pass. Whelan released the ball instantly whenever he could tonight.

10/09/2008, 10:30 PM
But Bulgaria is our challenger, on paper anyway. I hope Montenegro fizzle out and finish bottom of the group, so we(hopefully) get 2 extra points in the end of this qualification.(bottom team result doesn't count)

No way Montenegro will be bottom of the group. Reckon's it's Georgia though Cyprus will be in the mix.

Good result early doors I'll take it. Plus did anyone see some of the mad results tonight? We couldn't beat the Swiss home or away and Luxembourg go and do it. Austria stuff France and then get beat by Lithuania.

And people throught our result against Georgia was a bit tight but Italy could only manage 2-0 at home. Poor start to the campaign for the Italians....God forbid I might actually become optimistic about our chances!

10/09/2008, 10:32 PM
I can't agree with that. Carsley can slow a game down by taking too long to release a pass. Whelan released the ball instantly whenever he could tonight.

he may have released it marginally quicker but it went in the exact same direction as carsley. The only reason i can think he got MOTM tonight was because he is breaking onto the scene, got it the last day and there wasn't anyone really outstanding, oshea came close in fairness(given only had to make 2 real saves and thats not going to win you motm, unless under intense pressure), beglin admitted this when hamilton said it. I really think we were solid in defence tonight but that was it. We showed no attacking flair bar a couple of half chances, but this could easily have been a montenegro victory. I did think a draw from what i said in other threads but i thought that it could be a score draw, we still dont look like scoring. Fair enough trap seems to have sorted us out defensively but we seriouslly need to work on being able to create chances and score. Think to yourself tonight, who would feel more hard-done by(bar the penatly), im sure the montis are, look at the saves made by each keeper if still in disagreement.

10/09/2008, 10:35 PM
A really good performance, I can not pick a bad game by any player. They played as a team and passed the ball around very well, in control for most of the game and deserved the win in the end. A bit disappointed at that, but to get 4 points from 6, with 2 good performances away from Home, is something that Irish teams have rarely done over the years, it was usually hanging on in the game and sneaking a goal and trying to hold on, where as now, it is far more controlled and the players know what they are doing.

I can only be positive for future games, I can see us, challenging Italy for first place on current form. Italy were not great yet again and Georgia had a few good chances there aswell. All is looking good for once.

10/09/2008, 10:50 PM
i think it unfair to say mcgeady had a bad game because he missed that chance. when they ran through clips of all the chances we had guess who was involved in all of them, mcgeady.

i think of anyone who's position is questionable is stephen hunt.

given- tremendous in goal
finnan- didnt notice him, mustn't have put a foot wrong then.
o shea- great performance from o shea
dunne- good and steady
kilbane- played well again, apart from one mistake that nearly cost us.
whelan- played the anchor man well. does his job.
reid- was suffering a bit i think. but put in a performance,
mcgeady- used the ball better today, good crosses.
hunt- battled away but rarely any end product.
doyle- for me he is outstanding, holds the ball up well and is very composed. playing with confidence.
keane- nice snapshot, nice link up play, should have been played in by mcgeady to score.

i think the good thing is were not relying on any individual too much, we play as a team, that game three years ago shay given probably would have had to pull of ten wondersaves to keep us in it, tonight he had one.

10/09/2008, 10:58 PM
Doyle is a very interesting player. Some don't think he does anything but run, but I think he does so much. Like his touch is very very good. He reminds me of Palyvuchenko, but just missing that killer instinct that he possesses.

Doyle doesn't seem really to have the goal in his mind, like a real forward should. I think him and Robbie Keane are quite alike in style. We need a striker who just sees the goal and thats it. Maby Dave Mooney? The 'Irish Pauleta'.

10/09/2008, 10:59 PM
would ye stop going on about walcott, one good game, he'll be the messiah and england to lift the world cup tomorrow over here. He finished well for his second goal in fairness, but all he has is pace, he is no henry.

I mentioned Walcott, i assume you are talkng to me.

I said about Walcott in the context of a pacy striker, which is something we lack in a big way.

He is no Henry, but who is??

Maroon 7
10/09/2008, 11:08 PM
I mentioned Walcott, i assume you are talkng to me.

I said about Walcott in the context of a pacy striker, which is something we lack in a big way.

Does Usain Bolt have an Irish granny?

10/09/2008, 11:21 PM
Trap: "In the second half, we controlled the game better, we grew in confidence and the players understood what I said to them, that it was possible to lose and they should run down the clock if they could."

He said before the match he wouldn't have the team going out to play for a draw. :)