View Full Version : Marlon King

24/09/2003, 3:30 PM
Has Marlon King declare for Ireland?
Is he any good? Seems to be playing well this season?
Should we give him a go in friendlies?

24/09/2003, 4:39 PM
Originally posted by colster
Has Marlon King declare for Ireland?

Who are ya? Who are ya?


24/09/2003, 6:52 PM
He's said many times how he'd love Kerr to give him a chance and he's sure on form this year, give him till the end of the season and if he's still playing as well give him a chance in a friendly.

24/09/2003, 11:01 PM
Stay away from him, we don't need to go chasing after every striker who has an Irish granny and has scored three goals in their last four games anymore. Remember Mickey Evans? Remember all the other bums we've been linked with in the past who had a spell of decent form then dropped off the face of the earth? Ashley Ward, some guy called McCarthy who used to play for Bradford or someone, Dean Holdsworth, Mark Stein, John Durnin, Stan Collymore!!!!!!etc, etc- all were linked, thankfully none were ever capped whether they were eligible or not. Can't think of any more at the moment but there are plenty out there.

By the way, this is the same Marlon King whos only recently got out of jail for handling stolen cars isn't it? Stick with home grown talent, and only pick foreign born players (a) if they want to play for us ahead of wherever they were born, most likely england, and (b) if they're actually any good. No more mercenaries.

24/09/2003, 11:15 PM
I would have to agree..

25/09/2003, 8:54 AM
Where does he play?

25/09/2003, 9:25 AM
Having had my "Come and get me" call to the Swiss manager ignored, I have decided to finally declare for the Republic of Ireland. True, I might not have a club now (or any time in the last few years), but I did score twice a year or two in a match with a few mates, helping us to a 9-4 victory, and if that isn't proof enough of my pedigree, what could be?

While I offered Switzerland the chance to put me in goal, I see an opening on the right of midfield, a more familiar position. Like other legendary former Irish internationals, I have dodgy knees, and am likely to be injured just before a game, if it is likely to be a cold day.

Theoretically, I actually don't qualify under the grandparents rule, in that they were born in the United Kingdom, as the Southeast of Ireland was still a part of it at the time, but my parents were born here, as was I, and I reckon that FIFA might make an exception.

I might be slow, pushing thirty hard and not particularly talented, but I've one or two other features that Lee Carsley hasn't, like hair, and a vague interest in playing football.

25/09/2003, 9:30 AM
Originally posted by pete
Where does he play?

I beloeve he plays for Gillingham

25/09/2003, 9:44 AM
Let him stay where he is...... David Connoly can't get in our team and he is twice the plsayer Marlon is( Connolly probably thinks he's better than ronaldo)...there is enough young talent coming through......he lacks the one ingredient required to play for us.....you have to be able to play ...sorry marlon stick to grand theft Auto.....we don't need or want ya

25/09/2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Bluebeard
Having had my "Come and get me" call to the Swiss manager ignored, I have decided to finally declare for the Republic of Ireland...

I retired from international football on my 18th birthday. I knew then Jack Charlton would never appreciate what i had to offer...

25/09/2003, 12:35 PM
As someone who has followed the fortunes of Gillingham FC over the years.......I personnaly think that King is a very handy striker.....Good ability in the air, good at holding the ball up, and has a good eye for goal.....if it wasnt for the prison setence and the injuries over the last few years, I'd say he would be playing for a much bigger club than the Gills(bought Tony C. for a set of tracksuits dont you know).

as for connelly being twice the player...not too sure about that one.......

as for his merits for an Irish call up, he declared interest a few years back but had trouble getting his grandmothers documents together.I dunno if this has been sorted........He's as much Irish as Tony C., Aldridge, Townsend, Houghton, etc.....and the majority of fans never really had a problem with them.

25/09/2003, 2:52 PM
must admit..I didn't mean to write that connoly was twice the player..thats mad stuff....what I meant was connoly has a great scoring average in Division 1 but still is a bit suspect at international level....must ease of on the oul drugs ..twice the player my arse....apologies to all

25/09/2003, 4:03 PM
ahhahhahha...i must admit ..i was getting seriously worried for your mental health after the comment!!!!!!

glad you cleared that up.......:) ..I'll tell the men with the white coats to stay away...FOR NOW!!!!!

As for the scoring recored..i have always mantained that Connelly is a v good Div 1 player....premier and international class no...He can do a job for Ireland against the weaker nations though..

I think King, if he stays injury and prison free this year, will score a lot of goals.......

25/09/2003, 4:18 PM
Originally posted by MikeW
all the other bums we've been linked with in the past who had a spell of decent form then dropped off the face of the earth? Dean Holdsworth, Stan Collymore!!!!!

In all fairness they were both players who had a lot more than 'a spell of decent form' and neither really dropped off the face of the earth either - Collymore went from Forest (where he really hit the top) to Liverpool, Villa, Leicester, Bradford and Osasuna before retiring and Holdsworth had a long and to be fair pretty distinguished career with Wimbledon and Bolton before age caught up with him. I think he's dropped down another division now. Collymore also won 2 senior English caps and Holdsworth was a 'B' international and I don't ever remember hearing either of them express any interest in playing for Ireland.

I agree with your point at large and wouldn't be that inclined to cap King personally but just though you were being a tad harsh on Stanley and Deano.

26/09/2003, 9:33 AM
Hes about to sign for Forest.

26/09/2003, 4:47 PM
I'm not all that sure I want a guy like that in the team. He has a pretty violent reputation too.