View Full Version : Cork people at the Cross

24/09/2003, 11:34 AM
I know i should be used to it by now but the negativity at the cross by Cork people is shocking. There is a serious inferiority complex & the level of people who turn on their own players on a whim is amazing.

Maybe its cos we have bigger crowds with spectators as opposed to supporters now but the concept of supporting & encouraging players seems to be alien at the cross.

Hoepfully its a long time before i watch a match from the Derrynane end again. With 20-25 mins left after the Bohs 2nd goal some hoodied young fella left to be followed by a "wouldn't blame ya..." by the old fellas.


Jim Smith
24/09/2003, 5:30 PM
Derrynane has always been like that Pete. The whinging is actually more annoying when the team is winning :( The area seems to atract those who are only happy when complaining about something or the sort of people who think slagging everything off is the mark of a sophisticated sense of humour - the witty observational comedy. Personally I just listen to the voices in my head, you know the ones when God is telling you to skin Noel King alive......

Bionic Brennie
24/09/2003, 9:14 PM
The voices... the voices... thought it was just me...
Try sitting two rows in front of Megamouth Mustachio in the season ticket area of the Donie Ford stand... poor old Uday Hussein couldn't match the barbaric notions that enter your head. Mustachio and his primate friend spend every minute of every game moaning aloud at every touch of the ball by every City player non-stop. For the love of god, was I such a wretched ****er in a previous life to deserve such a fate.

25/09/2003, 10:02 AM
I thought Moustachio had been warned about his behaviour?
Is he still as bad as ever?

Bionic Brennie
26/09/2003, 8:28 AM
He quietened down for a few weeks but he's back in full flight again - although he seems to have got over Georgie, instead aiming his boundless criticism at every other player. Phuck the nice dry comfy seats in the stand.... I'm off to the Shed.