Bohsnews is having a rethink…
I’ve been doing Bohsnews for a something like two years now, so it’s time for a rethink, especially as I have considerable time pressures. A couple of absences recently have confirmed for me that this is not a one-man job.

The site has a decent enough regular readership, to which I like to think it has provided some service. However, the function of linking to media stories is probably better achieved using a less manual method, and it might be worth looking at Digg or a similar system designed for that purpose. In any case, I think that should be done more systematically on the official site, where it would also make more sense.

One option is simply to shut down. What I don’t want to do is to leave an out-of-date site hanging around forever. However, I do think that the club needs an alternative, (complementary, not competitor) site so that supporters can write articles about club/league/football and perhaps respond to attacks such as the recent Stephen McGuinness nonsense. Such a site could be hosted on the current Bohsnews blog as a group blog, or could (eventually) be a dedicated site, or both.

What do people think? There are quite a few not-to-be-sniffed-at writers in and around the club and on the message board, and a bit of considered prose, as opposed to MB or blog rants, might make for interesting reading and also might give others a more measured view of Bohs supporters. We don’t need to post articles every hour or every day to accumulate what would become a valuable Bohs resource. As someone who understands quality, like Neale Fenn, might say, less is more…

Of course, it doesn’t have to be all text, and video, audio, pics etc could also be published without too much hassle.

If anyone is/might be interested in doing a bit in terms of content, editing or anything else that might help develop a broader-based Bohsnews, I’d very much welcome a PM (on the Bohs MB) or email to