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  1. #481
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark12345 View Post
    Off you go. And do bring some logic back with you, will you?
    Ooooh, one finger points forward and three point back.
    Hello, hello? What's going on? What's all this shouting, we'll have no trouble here!
    - E Tattsyrup.

  2. #482
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    Quote Originally Posted by BonnieShels View Post
    There's defending yourself and there is what Israel has been doing to systematically degrade the lives of Palestinians since 1948.

    We all know what happens when you back a dog into a corner.

    Israel backed the dog into a corner (with the acquiescence of the US, UK, Germany [EU]) and have been living with the results since. The subsequent antagonisation since 2008 has been equally maddening.

    The intractability of the Israeli position on EVERYTHING makes it unlikely that things will simmer down.
    Decent points you make. However what has happened to Israel when they have been 'tractable' to the Palestinians? Like with the settlements? It ended up in rockets being fired into Israel and attacks from that location on Israelis. In addition, what about the Arabs who live in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. They are allowed to go unmolested in Israeli sociey, that is until they plant a bomb on a bus or in a restaurant to kill as many Jews as they can. So if the Israelis are intractable you can obviously see why.
    And as far as backing a dog into a corner, there is plenty of money available to many of the Arab courntries in North Africa. They could help the Palestinians build a thriving economy, which might allow them to trade with neighboring countries, perhaps even Israel. But unfortunately the same people who bankroll the likes of Hezbollah, don't appear to have the welfare of the Palestinians in mind.

  3. #483
    Banned KrisLetang's Avatar
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    Why does it have to be a two state solution? Why can't the Palestinians be married into a real economy? In a 3 state solution for example.

  4. #484
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    You don't live in America Danny, do you?
    Just wondering?
    What American media are you familiar with? Is it CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC? Or do you watch Fox News Channel?
    Do you listen to any of the leading Talk Radio shows in America?
    I listen to them all because I live here. And the only TV channel who will give you reputable news (they criticize the country's politicians equally) is Fox News. All of the Talk Radio shows are usually on the money when it comes to the corruption in Washington and on how we are being fooled and deceived by the mainstream media when it comes to Donald Trump.

    I have seen the American mainstream media lie through their teeth, often through decption, for years now. I never thought one way or the other about the stories on the six o'clock news, but when you finally see what they are saying and how they are
    presenting it to you, it is disgusting beyond belief. However, not everyone in America is a news / policical junkie like me and the end result of that is that a good 40 per cent of this country is completely clueless as to what is going on in government in Washington. They get their news from comedians and blogs and Facebook, but I'm sure that is the same in Ireland.

    Here are some examples, if you care to read them, of the bias against Donald Trump in the MSM.
    On November 8 last year, the day Trump got elected, a man in Chicago was driving away from the poll booth when he was run off the road and pulled out of his car by four youths (three male, one female). His crime - he had a Trump sticker on his car. They beat him senseless and he is lucky to have gotten away with his life. They also robbed him. Now, had the shoe been on the other foot (ie Trump supporters doing that to Hillary supporter) CNN would have broken away from all election coverage and devoted all their time to this incident. What did they do? They tried to bury the story and hope it would go away. It was only two days later that they showed it to the public, and only then because it was all over YouTube.

    And what did CNN tell us about the DNC server hacking? They tried to bury that one also. The server was hacked, we were told. And when the FBI came to Philadelphia to investigate the crime (remember it was a crime commited on American soil, which is under the jurisdiction of the FBI, they were told that their services weren't needed). The FBI were told that the DNC had contracted the investigation out to a private firm called Crowdstrike. It is reported that the DNC did not want the FBI looking at the server as it had evidence of the way they had railroaded Bernie Sanders in order to get Hillary elected. CNN, and the other main media outlets kept this under wraps and are still doing it to this day. At the same time they are pushing a narrative that Trump was colluding with the Russians. Now it's ok to say that if there is evidence of that. But there is none, over a year after the story began.

    And how can you take CNN et al seriously when their anchors were openly crying the night Donal Trump got elected.

    Just the other night, when news came through that unemployement figures were at their lowest since 1973 and the Dow Jones at its highest mark ever, what the ABC and NBC do? They decided not to run their financial segment, which would have showed Trump in a favorable light. And then there was the decision not to investigate Hervey Weinstein, he of Hollywood fame who has now several charges of sexual misconduct and rape against him. Harvey was a big Democrat donor. He contributed to Hillary and others and ABC decided twice not to run a story about him which showed his transgressions.

    All day long the mainstream media are criticising Trump. You just cannot take them seriously, because they are trying to deceive you into thinking the way they want you think. Propoganda in other words. Unfortunately too many Americans believe them, and I know from talking to people in Ireland and England that the news is similarly slanted there.

    Look, Donald Trump is a brash New Yorker. He has his mannerisms which some people may not like. I'll give you that. But those things are objective. His substance is without question however. He is the best thing to come along in American politics (because he is not a politician) in decades. He is nothing if not a realist - look at his comments on the New York terrorist attack this past Tuesday - while others around him are telling us that day is night, and night is day, and questioning our intelligence when we don't believe them.

    I have gone on far too long Danny. But I must say this before leaving. You said the following:

    "At the end of the day, Trump still made a hames of the condolence call and of matters since, regardless of what the media wish to say. Perhaps no other president has ever made such a mess of a situation like that, meaning there would have been nothing for the media to uncover then?"

    You are as wrong about this as was the man who said the Titanic was unsinkable.

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  6. #485
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    Mark go on MSNBC.Com right now, they don't have ANYTHING about Donna Brazile saying the Clinton's rigged the Democratic primary! Donna Brazile, the head of the DNC at election time!!!!!!!!

  7. #486
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrisLetang View Post
    Why does it have to be a two state solution? Why can't the Palestinians be married into a real economy? In a 3 state solution for example.
    Sounds good to me. I have often said that the Israelis and Palestinians are well able to sort out their own problems and work together to that end. It is the war mongers / terrorist groups who are using Lebannon as a stick to beat Israel with, who are the problem.

  8. #487
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    Danny, how would you feel if someone called you a racist?
    Or a bigot?
    Not nice for someone to do that, wouldn't you say, particularly if they never met you.
    Yet that is the fate which has befallen one General John Kelly, Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, all because of that 'condolence phone call."

    He said Congresswoman, Frederica Wilson, was an empty barrell after she smeared Trump. Then she labels him a racist.
    People in America were shocked but that's what Trump has to deal with all day long every day. You don't like the President's policies - why not go ahead and label him a racist.
    Did he do anything that could be called racist? No, who cares. Just label him a raist anyway (remember Trump employed thousands of blacks and minorities during his time as a real estate tycoon and only became 'a racist' since he opposed the Democrats)
    Don't like his Chief of Staff. Call him a racist too.

    That sort of behavior has been going on in America for quite a long time - decent people got sick of it a long time ago.

  9. #488
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    Brazile writes she was haunted by the murder of DNC Seth Rich, shutting the blinds in her house so snipers could not see her.

  10. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrisLetang View Post
    Brazile writes she was haunted by the murder of DNC Seth Rich, shutting the blinds in her house so snipers could not see her.
    Pretty scary stuff to be in a position like that. I guess that's why she came out against Clinton

  11. #490
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    Can you imagine if Reince Priebus hinted that the Bush family was having him whacked!!!??? Rachel Maddow would have a cow. WOW.

  12. #491
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    BTW the investigation into Seth Rich's murder is murky as hell.

  13. #492
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    it really isn't, he was the unfortunate victim of a random assault.
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  14. #493
    Capped Player DannyInvincible's Avatar
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    A good breakdown of Donna Brazile's revelations in respect of how the DNC rigged the Democratic primary:

    Brazile was the interim chairperson of the DNC from July of 2016 to February of 2017.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cenk Uygur
    No election has ever been so rigged in US history. Everything that was done at the DNC was done at the orders of one of the candidates, to the discrimination and bias against all of the other candidates, including Bernie Sanders. They have destroyed the Democratic party.
    It's more than a bit hypocritical of Hillary Clinton to purportedly champion "democracy" and complain about alleged Russian interference and collusion with Trump to help swing the US presidential election whilst she benefited from the DNC rigging the Democratic primary in her favour. She's been going on for the past year as if she's been cheated - as if someone stole the presidency from her - when she stole the Democratic nomination from Sanders.

    If the DNC hadn't undermined Sanders, it's entirely possible that he'd now be president instead of Trump, but the Democrats can't bear to admit that. They have only themselves to blame and must bear a significant degree of responsibility for Trump becoming president of the US.

  15. #494
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    Quote Originally Posted by tetsujin1979 View Post
    it really isn't, he was the unfortunate victim of a random assault.
    Well first it was a robbery. But then the story hastily got switched BC they didn't take anything. Also there are serious questions about the investigation. I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn BTW.

  16. #495
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    Quote Originally Posted by DannyInvincible View Post

    If the DNC hadn't undermined Sanders, it's entirely possible that he'd now be president instead of Trump, but the Democrats can't bear to admit that. They have only themselves to blame and must bear a significant degree of responsibility for Trump becoming president of the US.
    There is no way Bernie would have won the election.

  17. #496
    Capped Player DannyInvincible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrisLetang View Post
    There is no way Bernie would have won the election.
    There's a good case made for Sanders here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Fredrik de Boer
    That Clinton has unusually high unfavorables has been true for decades. Indeed, it has been a steady fact of her political life. She has annually ranked among the least-liked politicians on the national stage since she was the first lady. In recent years, her low favorability rating was matched only by that of her opponent, animated hate Muppet Donald Trump. In contrast, Sanders enjoys very high popularity, ranking as the most popular senator for two years in a row. Nationally, his favorability rating is more than 10 points higher than Clinton’s, and his unfavorability rating is more than 15 points lower. This popularity would have been a real asset on the campaign trail.


    If Clinton’s campaign seemed bizarrely pitched toward the interests of those who were always going to vote for her anyway, Sanders was uniquely positioned to reach voters with a different sensibility. In contrast to the millionaire polish of the Clinton camp, Sanders has a somewhat shambolic, grandfatherly presence that conveys an unpretentious and approachable character. Clinton struggled to use Trump’s wealth against him, in large measure because she herself is an immensely wealthy woman. (In fact, she frequently suggested that Trump wasn’t really all that rich, a ludicrous line of attack from a primary in which Sanders’s play for Nordic-style egalitarian policies won him favor in battleground states such as Pennsylvania.) Sanders would have been able to contrast Trump’s ostentatious wealth with his own shabby aesthetic. The message writes itself: Trump talks a good game about economic anxiety, but why would you trust this New York billionaire to put your interests first?
    Even Trump's personal pollster, Tony Fabrizio, thinks Sanders would have beaten Trump:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucy Pasha-Robinson
    When asked what the result would have been if Mr Sanders had run against Mr Trump, [Fabrizio] said: "I think Sanders beats Trump."

    He added: "I think Sanders would have had the ability to reach a lot of the less than college-educated, low-income white voters." When asked what the result would have been if Mr Sanders had run against Mr Trump, he said: "I think Sanders beats Trump."

    He added: "I think Sanders would have had the ability to reach a lot of the less than college-educated, low-income white voters."

  18. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by tetsujin1979 View Post
    it really isn't, he was the unfortunate victim of a random assault.
    What is the count now 'unfortunate victims of random assaults' related to the Clintons? I believe Seth Rich makes it 46.
    Do I believe the Clinton's are in the Mafia business of taking people out? No. But as suggested above, there is a lot of murkiness surrounding some of the vicitms.
    And the countless lies the Clintons have told over the years just add to the suspicion.

  19. #498
    Banned. Children Banned. Grandchildren Banned. 3 Months. Charlie Darwin's Avatar
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    So you don't believe the Clintons are in the mafia business of taking people out, they just have the occasional wiseguy whacked?

  20. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by DannyInvincible View Post
    There's a good case made for Sanders here:

    Even Trump's personal pollster, Tony Fabrizio, thinks Sanders would have beaten Trump:
    It would have been a much closer battle between Sanders and Trump, but God help America if Bernie every won. Free this, free that, free education for everyone! He tried it in his own state and they almost ran him out of town as it resulted in massive tax hikes for Vermonters. The real people who got screwed in the last election were the Bernie voters. There were 15 milion of them at one stage, it was reported. And then, after the election was stolen from him, the supporters were left high and dry. And to add insult to injury Bernie takes a 1.5 million dollar house in the Hamptons in exchange for supporting Hillary for the balance of the campaign. With Bernie being the consumate anti-Hillary, his u turn must have left his supporters seething. And it also begs the question, how anyone could ever take a man like him seriously again.

  21. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Darwin View Post
    So you don't believe the Clintons are in the mafia business of taking people out, they just have the occasional wiseguy whacked?
    I don't know that they have had anyone whacked. But there are an awful lot of rumours about such goings on involving them. And, as I say, their years of lying just adds to the suspicion (read about Bill's attack on Juanita Broaddrick "Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me," plus the stories of Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones). There are reportedly 24 women who have made allegations against Bill Clinton including one in England. Now do you know any guy, Danny, who could come home to his wife and tell her that he was under investigation for sexual misconduct at work and expect to get a "Don't worry about it honey, everything will be ok," answer? No, neither do I. He might get away with it once, but can you imagine any man coming home to his wife and telling her, 24 times, that he was under investigation for sexual misconduct? Would the wife still be around to listen to him? Not only was Bill Clinton's wife still around to endure a marriage which was nothing but a facade, she reportedly threatened many of these women who accused her husband. How preposterous is that? And to see the pair of them cozy up to one another two or three times on the campaign last year, when it looked for all the world that Hillary would be the next president. Well......need I say more.

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